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How to Prevent and Treat Root Rot in Your Hydroponic Garden

Root rot is the archnemesis of the hydroponic gardener. If left untreated, root rot (pythium) can spread like wildfire and quickly disrupt natural growth patterns. At the extreme, rot can potentially devastate a crop and leave nothing but the withered and maimed structure of once happily growing plants. But how do we treat root rot? Or better yet, how can we avoid it? Like most problems in the garden, root rot can be avoided by following a routine of care and consistency; however, when problems arise, tools and techniques are widely available to help remedy issues like root rot. Read the following passages for tips on treating, preventing and managing root rot: 

What is Root Rot? 

Root rot, or pythium, is a fungal root disease that can be induced and identified in various indoor, outdoor, greenhouse and hydroponic crops. While pests like fungus gnats can transfer the pythium pathogen, the most likely cause of root rot is a lack of drainage, oxygen, or the unmitigated presence of moisture in soil/soilless containers. Roots exposed to rot will cease to expand, become dark, and in the most extreme cases, develop a reddish-brown sludge that will quickly consume the root ball.

Reddish-Brown Sludge
Dark & No Longer Expanding

Plants outside soils are also susceptible to root disease, especially if they share the same water. For example, most hydroponic systems have a central reservoir responsible for expelling and recirculating water back and forth from containers, buckets or net pots. If a single plant becomes contaminated, the likelihood of pythium exposure to the rest of the garden is exponentially increased. If left to rot, root disease in hydroponic systems can be the most devastating.

Avoiding and Preventing Root Rot

In Soil/Soilless Mediums 

Among other causes, root rot in soil systems is most likely caused by insufficient drainage, damp soil, overwatering or a poorly functioning root system. So, to avoid root rot in soil gardens, invest in a porous medium or inert compound that loosens dense or muddy soils: peat moss, coco, perlite, volcanic pebbles, and vermiculite are all good examples of highly porous mediums. Also, allow these medium sufficient time to dry out – approximate the weight of a completely saturated plant and compare this weight with a plant in need of water. Root rot can be easily prevented in mediums like peat moss and coco by giving your plants sufficient time between irrigations. These tips and regularly supplying your plants with root-enhancing additives are a sure way to keep root disease at bay. 

Peat Moss // Coco // Perlite // Volcanic Pebbles // Vermiculite
These highly porous mediums will help improve drainage.

In Hydroponic Systems

Unlike soil systems, water-based gardens are more susceptible to root rot, especially if the nutrient solution is shared between plants or water temperatures are left unmitigated. Hydroponic systems like deep-water culture (DWC), flood and drain (ebb & flow) and aeroponic are at the most high risk for developing rampant root disease – it only takes a single plant to become contaminated to put the entire crop at risk. 

Pythium, in hydroponics, is usually induced by high or unstable water temperatures. Oxygen levels are extremely low in water temperatures above 22°C (72°F), and when mixed with acidic plant food, a hydroponic system can quickly become the perfect breeding ground for plant disease. To prevent root rot in hydroponic systems, manage and monitor the temperature of your nutrient solution. To ensure your plants maintain regular periods of growth, attempt to stabilize your water temperature around 18°F (65°F).

 The ideal water temp is around 18-22C

Identifying Root Rot

Identifying root rot can be challenging, especially since the root zone is not visible to gardeners. So, rely on your plant’s foliage as an indicator of potential root disease. Here are some foliar characteristics of a plant with root rot: withered or drooping leaves, discolouration, mutated growth and decreased water and food consumption.

Upon noticing a massive decrease in water and food consumption, growers can monitor the daily drinking habits of their plants. This can be done in both hydroponic and soil-based systems. To monitor the water consumption of plants in hydroponic systems, measure the water level of your reservoir daily. If your crop’s water consumption does not increase over time, root disease has likely affected the health of your plants. In soil-based systems, approximate how long your plants can dry out completely. If the time between waterings regularly decreases, root disease may have begun to affect your plant’s metabolism negatively. 

David “The Garden Sage” Robinson explains how to identify plants affected by root disease.

Preventing Root Disease

After identifying the characteristics and causes of root rot, it’s best to do what you can to prevent it from occurring rather than limping your crop through the final weeks of harvest. The best way to combat root rot is to avoid it completely by implementing a source of beneficial microbes to help keep root zones healthy. For a quality source of beneficial bacteria, use GreenPlanet Nutrients Root Builder. 

 So remember, quality controls like resistant genetics, stable systems, care and consistency all play an essential role in treating and preventing root rot. Need support in the garden? GreenPlanet is here to help! For more information on the products or information mentioned in this article, contact your GreenPlanet representative directly or your local garden supply store. 

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Massive vs PK Spike: Which One is the Right Choice for Your Grow?

Contrary to popular opinion, there are no supplements that magically enhance the quality or quantity of a harvest. Fertilizers do play an important role in cultivation, but to get the most out of a garden, growers must equally rely on genetics, environmental controls, stable systems and careful management. If these controls are forgotten and plant food is too heavily relied upon, the results at harvest time are likely to be mediocre. 

This doesn’t mean that quality inputs like liquid fertilizer should be ignored; however, using too much of a good thing can hurt, rather than help a crop. In fact, when it comes to using highly concentrated fertilizers, less is often more. So, instead of formulating elaborate feeding recipes with 10 or more bottles, rely on just a few, simple, hyper-efficient supplements to push your crop to its genetic limits. Even when it matters most, gardeners can use less and still experience the same success. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at GreenPlanet Nutrients Massive Bloom Formulation and PK Spike – two highly reviewed, reliable and efficient nutrient supplements that can be used throughout the flowering period. 

Massive Bloom Formulation

Massive Bloom Formulation is a good example of a product that contains a solid blooming N-P-K of 1-2-3, as well as an array of carbohydrate extracts.

The well-rounded formulation of Massive is perfect for growers in mediums like soil, peat moss, perlite and coco. Massive Bloom Formulation has impressed a global community of growers for decades and promises enhanced size, weight, flavour and appeal. Here are some of the unique characteristics of GreenPlanet’s Massive: 

Low Molecular Fulvic Acid

Massive utilizes low molecular fulvic acid as a catalyst for the uptake of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. One of the most important functions of fulvic acid is its ability to transport important flowering elements into the cells where they are needed most.

Using low molecular fulvic acid for just a few weeks would result in sturdier stalks and increased water retention, meaning that your plants will be able to support larger, heavier buds in the later stages of flower. 

Fulvic Acid = More Nutrient Uptake

Unique Carbohydrate Blend 

The highest quality bloom boosters are formulated with external sources of sugar that allow the plant to replenish its supply of carbohydrates. Plants spend amazing amounts of energy in the heat of the flowering period; so, to make sure you’re providing your plants with a sufficient source of energy, consider purchasing a blooming fertilizer containing a wealth of carbohydrates.

Massive Bloom formulation is one such fertilizer that combines an array of mineral salts with a unique blend of carbohydrates. 

Plants require more energy within the flowering stages

Chelated Mineral Profile

Massive contains 100% chelated minerals like iron and molybdenum. The chelating process cloaks a metallic ion in a ring of charged molecules that helps facilitate its movement into and through cell walls. So, if elements like iron are chelated, they will have an easier time being absorbed by the plant. Chelating micronutrients actively avoids common nutrient deficiencies, and results in stronger, more vigorously growing plants. Fulvic acid is also a natural chelator. So, if Massive is fed alongside other micronutrient supplements, elements like calcium, copper, and zinc will have almost immediate bioavailability. 

Chelated Minerals increase the nutrient absorption rate

PK Spike

To speed up the transition phase and to help encourage the formation of new, developing flower sites, gardeners can include a heavy phosphorus and potassium supplement into their established feeding routine. PK Spike (0-14-15) is an excellent source of clean and quality sourced phosphorus and potassium. If used in conjunction with a base nutrient regimen.

PK Spike can quickly increase root mass, speed up the production of flower sites and strengthen a plants cell walls for the later support of heavy flowers. Add PK Spike, step back and watch your plants swell with size. Let’s take a look at some of the features of GreenPlanet’s PK Spike: 

Highly Soluble Minerals

Formulated with highly soluble sources of phosphorus and potassium, PK Spike can be used successfully in any soil, soilless or hydroponic medium. PK Spike is so soluble that it’s even been praised as the only bloom-boosting supplement capable of supporting plants in the original AutoPot system. In fact, because of the intense solubility of PK Spike, growers in any hydroponic system won’t have to worry about clogged lines, pipes or drip emitters while using this product. 

“Highly Soluble” means that something dissolves quickly in water.

GreenPlanet Nutrients
PK Spike is a highly soluble fertilizer which means it can be used in hydroponic system with ease

A Common Hydroponic System Issue

Non Soluble example

Non Soluble Minerals can cause blockages/scaling because these minerals can’t dissolve into a solution

Soluble example

Soluble Minerals will flow through tubes with ease because they can dilute within a Aqueous solution

Hyper-Concentrated Formula

The average application rate of PK Spike comes in at a minimal 0.5-1ml per litre. So, if you’re the type of grower who wants to save on upfront costs, this might be the perfect product for your garden. This also means that PK Spike is the ideal bloom booster for commercial operations.

By combining PK Spike with a highly concentrated base nutrient program, for example, Dual Fuel, you can be sure that your plants will be getting exactly what they need, for less.  

Aggressive Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) Content 

Phosphorus and potassium are the two main elements necessary for the formation of large flowers. PK Spike is one of the most aggressively packed liquid nutrient supplements available on the market and is recommended for use during the 2nd-7th week of the flowering period. Because of the excess of phosphorus in PK Spike, growers can easily expect an expansion of resinous flower sites. Also, the added potassium will allow your plants to expand their root zone during this period of growth. And, during the later period, increased potassium has the potential to enhance terpene and essential oil production, size, density and weight.

Should You Use Massive or PK Spike?  

There is no clear answer to which bloom booster will provide your crop with the best results. As stated above, there is a mountain of variables to consider when comparing potential outcomes. However, when it comes to fertilizer, less is always more. So, rely on your own preferences when it comes to choosing between a selection of flowering additives. 

For example, if you garden in soil, use organic fertilizer and mix small amounts of liquid nutrients, rely on Massive to supply your plants with an adequate range of minerals. Hydroponic gardeners, however, might prefer a fertilizer more aligned with their system – something concentrated, highly soluble and packed with essential elements. In short, Massive and PK Spike both have key features that function well under ideal conditions, neither is the superior product and both have the potential to elevate your crop during the flowering period of growth. 

  • Ideal for Soil/Soilless Mediums
  • Formulated with Low-Molecular Fulvic Acid
  • Contains a Unique Carbohydrate Blend
  • Has a 100% Chelated Mineral Profile
  • Ideal for Hydroponic Gardens
  • Highly Soluble
  • Hyper-Concentrated
  • Loaded with (P) and (K)

Let us know what you use in the garden! For more information on the products or information mentioned in this article, contact your GreenPlanet representative directly, or your local garden supply store. 

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Understanding the Feed Program: GP3

Feed programs are like recipes. They combine the best base nutrient formulas with supplements that enhance the natural growth patterns of plants. Whether you’re new to gardening or have been growing for decades, experts agree that committing to a program that promises to produce a heavy, quality-driven harvest, is a good place to start.  In hopes of guiding gardeners to possibly the most quality-focused feeding program on the market, the following passages will dive deeper into GreenPlanet’s 3-Part (GP3) feed program.

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates, and a trichome enhancer. By combining these inputs into a feeding program, prompted with other factors which produce a confident yield, growers can expect to produce the most quality-driven harvest possible. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here. 

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part Feed Program

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part (GP3) feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and several additives that enhance both vegetative and blooming growth. Made for the expert grower, GP3 offers plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc, to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, GP3 is fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making them the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best. Specialty additives like plant tonics, bloom boosters, resin enhancers, and carbohydrate supplements are also included in all of GreenPlanet’s feed programs. Before committing to the GP3 feed program, consult the passages below for a description of each product included in the bundle.

Base Nutrients

Additive Nutrients

Click to see the products that make up the GP3 3 Part Feed Program

GP3 Micro – Base Nutrient

GP3 Micro is the component of the GP3 nutrient system that provides your plants with the essential and supplemental micronutrients they need in the grow and bloom stages of growth. Formulated with micronutrients like calcium, boron, cobalt, copper, manganese, iron, molybdenum, and zinc, GP3 ensures a complete and well-rounded array of elements that dispel all notions of future nutrient deficiencies. 

GP3 Grow – Base Nutrient

GP3 Grow provides your plants with the optimal nutrients they require throughout the vegetative stage of growth. This stage is when your plants develop leafy green foliage and a strong root system that will be able to support flowering sites during the bloom stage. Added heavily during the aggressive vegetative stage, GP3 Grow is loaded with nutrients like potassium that help facilitate and encourage vertical growth and root mass expansion. 

GP3 Bloom – Base Nutrient

GP3 Bloom is a component of the GP3 nutrient system that provides your plants with the essential nutrients they need throughout the flowering stage of growth. This stage is when your plants start to fruit and produce flowers until it is time for harvest. GP3 Bloom is loaded with phosphorous and potassium, two elements that are essential during the flowering stage. Used more heavily than any portion of GreenPlanet’s 3-Part program, GP3 Bloom is the primary nutrient responsible for the establishment and expression of tight, fully-developed flowers. 

Vitathrive – Additive Nutrient

Vitathrive is GreenPlanet’s vitamin supplement. Use Vitathrive aggressively throughout the vegetative stage, on transplant day, and during any periods of stress to increase root growth, reduce internal stress, and strengthen any plant’s immune response. The main supplementary component of Vitathrive, Thiamine or vitamin B1, has been shown in old and recent research to be a factor in a plant’s diet that reduces fungal disease and plant stress (Subki et al, 2018, p. 37).

Massive Bloom Formulation – Additive Nutrient

Massive Bloom Formulation is GreenPlanet’s premier flowering additive, formulated with all of the necessary macro and microelements required to achieve an increase in flower size. As well as providing several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates, Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with the select and aggressive GP3 base nutrient system.

Rezin – Additive Nutrient

Entourage Effect: The theory that the synergistic effect of THC, flavonoids, cannabinoids, and terpenes all contribute to the overall “experience” of cannabis consumption. 

Rezin is GreenPlanet’s flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavor and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden. 

Liquid Weight – Additive Nutrient

Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that increase the amount of beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to the exaggerated absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend an amazing amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your root zone. For more information on the benefits of sugars in the garden, read our blog: The Power of Carbohydrates in the Garden. 

Using the Feed Program 

Like a recipe, the GP3 feeding program has the best results when the formula is followed. As explained above, a feeding program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Throughout the weeks of vegetative and flowering growth, the GP3 feeding program will guide the grower through different stages of a plant’s life, and offer general feeding ratios, doses, and helpfully supplementation tips. All the measurements of plant food on GreenPlanet’s feeding programs are described in milliliters of fertilizers per liter of water.

Features and Considerations  

At a glance, you’ll notice a few distinguishing features about the GP3 feeding program: first, only certain products and supplements are recommended for use in specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feeding program is split into two stages: vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use; for instance, you’ll notice that products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower, once plants have established pistils and bud sites. 

Products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower

Also, GP3 is fed in varying rations throughout vegetative and flowering stages and growth. This means that some nutrients, like GP3 Bloom, are fed far more than GP3 Micro or Grow during the flowering stage. And, since the flowering stage is much longer than the average vegetative period, growers can expect to use almost twice as much GP3 Bloom during the entirety of a crop. So, be aware that if you’re growing a crop at scale, you may need to invest in twice as much GP3 Bloom as compared to the rest of the GP3 base nutrient system (GP3 Micro/Grow). 

Feeding Considerations 

Another aspect of the GP3 feed program to examine is the rise and gradual plateau of the recommended Parts Per Million (PPM) of your nutrient solution. PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution. In this case, since we are examining fertilizer, PPM can be seen as a measurement that determines the strength and concentration of dissolved elements within a nutrient solution. 

PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution.

While following the GP3 feeding program, you’ll notice that the PPM of you’re nutrient solution will gradually increase as you move into the flowering stage, finally plateauing in weeks 2 – 6, followed by a gradual decrease in strength as you move towards the final weeks of flush. These general measurements are based on the assumption that as time progresses, your plants will become larger, and therefore be able to digest a more concentrated nutrient solution. However, these nutrient levels generally plateau and decrease as plants ripen and move towards the flushing stage. For a more in-depth understanding of PPM and plant nutrition, refer to the blog titled: What are Base Nutrients?

Works Cited

  • Russo, E. (2019). The case for the entourage effect and conventional breeding of clinical cannabis: No “strain,” no gain. Frontiers in Plant Science. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from US National Library of Medicine.
  • Subki, A. (2018). The role of thiamine in plants and current perspectives in crop improvement. B Group Vitamins – Current Uses and Perspective. Retrieved, January 14th, 2020 from 

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Why You Should Use Humic and Fulvic Acids When Growing Cannabis

Before the time of the dinosaurs, our planet was covered in a vast ecosystem of forests and swamps. As time moved on, shelves of sediment moved back and forth across the land, trapping and compressing organic matter and later transforming them into coal, oil and peat deposits. However, certain ancient pockets have been found that still contain rich and valuable organic compounds. These million-year-old compost heaps called humates contain a massive supply of microbes, minerals and trace elements. Probably one of the most overlooked nutrient supplements, humate substances have the potential to enrich plants with a variety of benefits. Thinking about adding a source of humates to your feeding program? Read the following passages to learn more about the importance of humic and fulvic acid.

What are Humates? 

Humates are a mix of humic and fulvic acids and contain microbes, trace elements, minerals and metals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Humic acids, the larger of the two molecules in humates can be extracted from peat or lignite deposits. Fulvic acids, while made up of smaller, highly charged molecules, contain a much higher quantity of trace minerals and can become soluble in water at any pH level. Both humic and fulvic acids are the product of the slow breakdown of organic matter. Due to the microbial process required to form humates, humic and fulvic acids have developed the capacity to increase crop productivity in amazing ways.

Humic acids, the larger of the two molecules. Fulvic acids, while made up of smaller, highly charged molecules, contain a much higher
quantity of trace minerals

The Importance of Using Humic and Fulvic Acids

If combined with your regular feeding schedule, humic and fulvic acid can increase nutrient uptake, water retention and general root health. Especially in hydroponic mediums like hydrostone, perlite and rockwool, humate substances are necessary for creating a root zone that can easily absorb nutrients, chelate metals and carry elements to nutrient-deprived sections of the plant.

Humic and Fulvic Acids as a Catalyst 

Humic and fulvic acids have the ability to create this healthy reaction by acting both as a nutrient catalyst and chelator. It’s often that when adding humates to their regular feeding routine, growers notice increased water retention and stalk, branch and node thickening. This reaction is common after a week or so when using humic or fulvic supplements, as these acids contain a distinct catalyst function when combined with other absorbable elements. Silica, for example, is one such element that when fed along with fulvic acid becomes more readily available to the cell walls of plants. 

Silica is one such element that when fed along with fulvic acid becomes more readily available to the cell walls of plants

Humates Also Chelate

Depending on the pH of your nutrient solution, water may have some difficulty transporting metallic salts required for plant health. Humic and fulvic acids remedy this issue by acting as a natural chelator. Silica, for example, is one such element that when fed along with fulvic acid becomes more readily available to the cell walls of plants The degree to which this process is successful, however, does depend on the pH of the nutrient solution. Calcium, for example, would have trouble being readily absorbed by plants at a pH below 5.5, even with humic or fulvic acid acting as a chelator. If buffered to a correct pH range, gardeners will see an array of results following the use of humate supplements, including thicker branches, more efficient nutrient uptake, broader leaves, tighter node spacing and larger root-balls. 

Silica, for example, is one such element that when fed along with fulvic acid becomes more readily available to the cell walls of plants

GreenPlanet Nutrients Humate Supplements 

GPH Uptake 

GPH Uptake is a soluble formula of humic acid that aids the plant with nutrient uptake throughout its entire lifecycle. Due to the chelating results of GPH, essential immobile micronutrients such as calcium become easier to absorb by the plant. Humic acid also promotes mycorrhizal fungi colonization in the plant’s rhizosphere. Mycorrhiza allows the plant to take full advantage of the nutrients found in the root zone that would otherwise be inaccessible. This boosts the plant’s ability to produce vigorous green growth in the vegetative stage and impressive yields during the flowering stage. Use GPH Uptake in soil/soilless mediums such as peat moss, potting soil or coco for the best solubility. 

GPF Uptake 

GPF Uptake is a water-soluble fulvic acid supplement designed for use in hydroponic systems. Fulvic acid’s natural ability to chelate nutrients means larger molecules become mobile and available to the plant. Once absorbed, fulvic acid continues to help transport the nutrients to the parts of the plant where they are needed the most. The added fulvic acid ensures plants retain and fully utilize the nutrients they are fed. GPF Uptake can also benefit as a foliar spray application. Fulvic acid applied as a foliar spray increases the number of budding sites on a flowering plant, promotes a sturdier stalk, and overall plant structure. The fulvic humates in GPF Uptake become soluble in water easily, meaning that this product can be used in a variety of water-based systems with recirculating reservoirs.  

Want to get the most out of your garden? Try adding humic or fulvic acids to your feeding schedule. For more information on the products or information mentioned in this article, contact your GreenPlanet representative directly, or your local garden supply store.

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Tips to Prevent Powdery Mildew

If unmanaged, powdery mildew (PM), mould, and fungus can easily devastate a crop. Next to harmful pests, PM is the single most damaging hazard in the garden. PM on plants promotes deficiencies, reduces quality, impairs yields, and severely devalues a crop. If left unchecked, powdery mildew can even encourage rot in fully formed flowers, or worse, curse a grow room with systemic issues of mould, fungus, and plant disease. While fairly common, powdery mildew is a potential hazard that can be easily prevented. However, if problems do arise, products and solutions are widely available to help treat and prevent powdery mildew. Read the following passages to find out more about powdery mildew and solutions available for treatment and prevention.

What is Powdery Mildew? 

Powdery Mildew creates white patches of fungal growth that stand out against the green leaves. 

Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease that is common in a wide variety of plants and typically forms in white splotches on the tops of large fan leaves. Powdery mildew develops fast in environments with high humidity and moderate temperatures. Greenhouses, for example, provide the best environment for the widespread development of plant diseases like powdery mildew. As destructive as PM might be, luckily, it is one of the easiest plant diseases to identify. Plants exposed to spores may appear to have been dusted with flour, as powdery mildew starts off as small, circular white spots and later develops into widespread patches of white mildew that can be wiped or brushed off.

What Causes Powdery Mildew? 

Weak genetics, an unstable environment, and irregular feeding patterns can all contribute to the development of plant disease. For instance, if a mother plant has had previous spells of powdery mildew, the offspring of that plant carries on the disease, and can also be easily susceptible to spores in the future. Environmental conditions present growers with additional concern for the spread of disease.

For example, “day-time” temperatures and levels of humidity are something every indoor gardener is concerned with maintaining. In the range of 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26C) and 50-60 percent humidity, plants have an ideal environment in which to grow. However, “nighttime” temperatures and humidity levels must also be managed and maintained. If not, spikes in humidity coupled with low nighttime temperatures may lead to an increased risk of disease development.

For the best chance of cultivating a disease-free crop:

Breed your own genetics
Maintain a consistent, stable environment
Feed your crop appropriately with nutrient supplements

How to Prevent Powdery Mildew 

If your garden’s genetics and environment are both strong and stable, powdery mildew prevention is the next step to think about on the path to cultivating the cleanest crop possible. Like pest control, the best solution for managing PM is not having it at all. So, before dealing with the headache of disease treatment, consider the options available to stop PM from becoming a problem in the first place. 

Look out for round patches of powder that look like flour.

Environmental Control 

Identifying the environmental factors that put your plants at risk for PM is the first issue to consider when trying to avoid it. If the levels of temperature and humidity in your garden are ideal, the next step to avoiding powdery mildew is to consider the garden’s air movement, plant placement, and potential sources of disease.

PM will thrive in environments with little air movement. So, to increase prevention measures, consider purchasing additional air movers like floor or wall-mount fans – with adequate air movement, all the large fan leaves in your garden should be gently swaying. “Plant placement” is equally important. Plants too close to each other, or too close to the wall will have an increased chance of contracting and spreading diseases like powdery mildew. For the best chance of avoiding the later issues that come with treating PM, make sure that all the plants in your garden have enough physical space to grow and transpire without the extra buildup of humidity. 

Here is an example of good airflow and ventilation for indoor growing.

Finally, if you’ve noticed an unexpected outbreak of powdery mildew, search your outdoor property for potential sources of disease. Plant disease is possible even in the cleanest gardens. If you manage a clean garden that has suddenly contracted PM, it’s quite likely that an outside source of mould has infiltrated your grow room. To combat this concern, consider cleaning outside sources of fungus and protect your crop with clean sources of fresh air: Intake or HEPA filters are a low-cost method of preventing exposure to powdery mildew. 

Strengthen Your Crop With Supplements 

Along with a stable feeding program, the most adept growers enrich their crops with supplements like GreenPlanet Nutrient’s Vitathrive and Plant Guard to build strong plants that are resistant to environmental stress. Vitathrive is GreenPlanet’s propagation supplement that contains a full complement of b-vitamins and elements that aid the plant through the vegetative stage. Among other benefits, Vitathrive helps to reduce the stresses that come from rapid cell growth, environmental conditions, and heavy fruit loads. GreenPlanet’s potassium silicate supplement, Plant Guard, also helps prepare your plants for poor environmental conditions by strengthening cell walls and increasing resistance to environmental stress.

How to Treat Powdery Mildew 

If you’re concerned about contracting PM, inspect your crop daily for the earliest possible signs of disease. Depending on the control solution, plants can be treated for powdery mildew at any stage of growth; however, treating your plants sooner rather than later is ideal, as some treatment methods can negatively affect the outcome of plants in flower. A wide variety of treatment solutions are available for plants in the vegetative stages, these include home-remedy options, sulfur sprays or burners, and/or chemical removal. While these treatment options are effective against powdery mildew, most are not recommended during the flowering period. 

Need continued support with your crop? GreenPlanet is here to help!  For more information about the products mentioned above, please contact GreenPlanet Nutrients directly. For all other inquiries about products and services offered by GreenPlanet, contact our team or your local garden supply store for more information. 

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Flowering Supplements and Additives to Enhance Your Crop

In any environmental setting, plants have distinct dietary requirements. Like people, there are only certain elements that plants can readily absorb in order to maintain healthy bouts of new, disease-free growth. In total, there are 16 essential elements necessary for healthy and deficient-free plant growth. These elements are separated into two categories, macro and micronutrients, and are typically combined at an adequate rate within liquid, powdered or granular nutrient supplements called “base nutrients”, or, at higher levels in varying ratios in fertilizers called “additives”.

Base nutrient supplements can be seen as your plant’s source of “meat and potatoes”, essential elements necessary for growing healthy crops. Additives on the other hand, if we stick with food analogies, can be described as a plant’s “dessert”, something that is not essential for survival, but if supplemented appropriately, can ultimately enhance the potential for size, flavour and appeal during flower. While the importance of base nutrients supplements is unparalleled in the lifecycle of a plant, additives also have an important role to play. By combining additives and supplements during the flowering period, growers can ensure their crop will be pushed to its genetic limits. Follow the passages below to find out more about the flowering supplements and additives available at GreenPlanet Nutrients. 

Nutrient Requirements During Flower

As mentioned above, there are 16 essential plant nutrients that are needed to maintain healthy patterns of growth. During the periods of early, late and middle flower, however, some of these elements, most notably phosphorus and potassium, are needed in greater quantities to help support the development of fully established and sugar-coated flowers. Although, other elements and minerals can also support and enhance the generation of trichomes, cannabinoids, terpenes and flavours.

Follow the passages below for a look at bloom boosting supplements that can help your crop reach its full potential in all stages of the flowering period:

Bloom Boosting Additives 

PK Spike 

Depending on the genetic characteristics of your crop, plants will typically begin to exhibit the signs of flower sites 10-14 days in an environment with a 12-hour darkness photoperiod. During this stage of early flower, gardeners will be able to make out a female plant’s elongated pistils, or maybe even the first formation of flower sites. To speed up this transition phase and to help encourage the formation of new, developing flower sites, gardeners can include a heavy phosphorus and potassium supplement into their established feeding routine. GreenPlanet Nutrients PK Spike, for example, is an excellent source of clean and quality sourced phosphorus and potassium; and, if used in conjunction with a base nutrient regime, PK Spike can quickly increase root-mass, speed up the production of flower sites and strengthen a plants cell walls for the later support of heavy flowers. 

Massive Bloom Formulation 

The middle of flower is an extremely important period of growth for plants. At this stage, a plant’s metabolism has completely committed itself to the process of converting elements into energy, which it then sends to the formation of large, developing flowers. With this process moving quickly along through weeks 3-5 of the flowering period, cannabis plants, while still needing adequate amounts of (N), (P) and (K), often become deficient in starches that are used in the conversion of elements into useable energy. To combat this issue and to assist your crop in producing its highest potential output, consider using a well-rounded and tested bloom booster that is accompanied by an array of simple sugars. Massive Bloom Formulation is a good example of a product that contains a solid blooming N-P-K of 1-2-3, as well as carbohydrates derived from yucca and molasses extract.

Dense Bud Compactor

Between the flowering weeks 5-7, your main bud sites and colas should have taken on their finishing shape and size. However, what might be missing in the late stages of flower development is hardness, weight and density. If the environmental conditions of a garden are less than ideal, for example, if temperatures or humidity percentages reach inadequate levels for extended periods, mature flowers can begin to wilt, lose rigidity, or become soft and sponge-like. To increase late-flower hardiness, consider adding a high potassium supplement like Dense to your existing feeding schedule. Dense will assist in providing your plants with the potential to redirect energy at the cellular level, leading to increased tightness and weight in the final weeks before harvest. 

Carbohydrate and Trichome Supplements 

Liquid Weight 

Liquid Weight contains an array of simple sugars like dextrose, sucrose and fructose. To encourage the rapid growth of healthy bacteria, fungi and protozoa in your root zone, pairing your regular feeding program with a surgery carbohydrate supplement will help to speed up the growth rate of beneficial microbes. Plants spend an amazing amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your living medium. Adding a liquid carbohydrate supplement to your feeding program during the flowering phase will encourage your plants to feed heavier, increase output, enhance yields, and lead to more desirable flavours, pigmentation, terpene density and trichome expansion. 

Karbo Boost 

Karbo Boost is our powdered carbohydrate supplement. Accompanying all the benefits of Liquid Weight, Karbo Boost is the economic and long-lasting choice for gardeners outside of hydroponic mediums and contains all the necessary elements to increase microbial growth, nutrient absorption and fluid uptake. The end result of using Karbo Boost is a significant increase in flower weight, taste, and overall yield. If your goal is getting the most out of your garden, investing in Karbo Boost is a good place to start. 


Rezin is our flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavour and aroma. Growers can begin using Rezin at any time during the flowering period to encourage plants to express and expand terpenes and trichomes in flowers and across “sugar-leaves”. However, adding Rezin during the last week of the vegetative stage has shown to increase the availability of potential terpenes that will be ready for full expression in the later stages of flower. The formula does not contain any plant growth regulators (PGRs), artificial colouring or dyes, and can be used until the final day before harvest. 

Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet has the best fertilizer to get you started. To access the products available at GreenPlanet Wholesale, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Save Time, Money and Labour with BackCountry Blend

We designed the BackCountry Blend (BCB) feeding program as an economic choice for gardeners who want to spend less, save time and expend less labour in the process of getting the same reliable results. The outdoor season can be long, and over the course of months, gardeners using traditional liquid fertilizers can anticipate spending thousands of dollars on a complete feeding program. With BackCountry Blend, however, gardeners can expect to spend far less over the course of a season, while also saving time and labour in applying BCB, as no mixing, measuring or buffering is ever required. This year, we’ve detailed these benefits of BackCountry Blend in several blogs. Read the following passages for a summary of the money, time and labour savings of BackCountry Blend

What is BackCountry Blend? 

BackCountry Blend (BCB) is a granular, slow-release nutrient system that provides your plants with stable nutrition throughout periods of vegetative, flowering and ripening growth. The complete feed program comes in three parts: Grow, Bloom and Boost. While each product has the same application in the garden, each part has its own function based on the specific stage of plant growth. Furthermore, the Grow, Bloom and Boost formulations of BackCountry Blend come incorporated with TrueCoat technology: a proprietary blend of micronutrients that are amended into each pellet of BackCountry Blend. This ensures that plants remain healthy and unblemished by nutrient deficiencies throughout all stages of growth. 

To learn more about the individual parts, use and application of BackCountry Blend, read our blog titled: Elevate Your Outdoor Garden With BackCountry Blend.

How BackCountry Blend Saves Time, Money and Labour

With only three parts in the feeding program, BackCountry Blend was designed to give outdoor gardeners an economic and easy-to-use fertilizer that consistently saves time and labour. It’s true: few granular or powdered nutrient systems stand up against the quality yield produced by that of liquid feed programs. However, most of these tests are conducted in a controlled, and highly sophisticated indoor environment. During the outdoor season, control, duration and luck arguably affect the expectations and outcome of a yield. And so, for every outdoor gardener who wants to save time, money and labour, there is but one clear choice – BackCountry Blend.

Save Time 

Unlike liquid fertilizers that require bi-weekly feedings, mixing and constant buffering, BackCountry Blend saves growers time by being the simplest and most aggressive slow-release formula on the market. For reliable results, apply BackCountry Blend at a rate of 0.5-1 teaspoon per foot of plant height, and allow at least 3-5 weeks to pass before enriching the medium again. There is absolutely no guesswork or learning curve with BackCountry Blend: just broadcast the fertilizer over your medium and watch your crop thrive! 

Save Money

Among other nutrient systems specifically tailored for the outdoor garden, BackCountry Blend is the only feed program that promises economic nutrition without compromising results. In one of our early blogs, we described a cost-benefit analysis of using either liquid or slow-release fertilizer during the outdoor season. Throughout the article, it was shown that growers who used BackCountry Blend, as opposed to more complicated liquid fertilizers, saved approximately $959.95 over a 14 week period. Furthermore, it was found that growers who chose the slow-release fertilizer over liquid were able to supplement three full seasons of outdoor growing with an initial investment of $137.97. While the analysis mainly focuses on the upfront costs of fertilizer during the outdoor season, it also refers to some of the unparalleled benefits of slow-release fertilizer like savings on time and labour.

To find out more about saving money in the outdoor garden, read the blog: Save Money this Outdoor Season with Backcountry Blend

Save on Labour 

With a slow-release fertilizer like BackCountry Blend, you can expect a massive decrease in labour. In a typical indoor operation, gardeners apply liquid fertilizers in a number of different ways; most popularly, experts recommend adding plant food to a garden’s irrigation schedule every other day. So, over a 14-week outdoor season, it would not be unexpected for growers who use liquid plant food to mix, measure and balance nutrient solution over thirty-two times. Needless to say, the accumulated labour it takes to manage liquid fertilizer over such a long period of time can add up quickly. With BackCountry Blend, however, growers will amend their medium an average of six times over the growing season. Furthermore, this process of granular application requires no water reservoir, measuring, balancing or mixing. 

If you manage a garden at scale, training staff to use BCB will be a breeze. To read more about the labour-saving potential of BackCountry Blend, click on the blog: The Benefits of Slow-Release Fertilizer.

Bigfoot and BackCountry Blend 

We’ve detailed the practices of using BackCountry Blend during the outdoor season in the adventures of Bigfoot. In these blogs, Bigfoot is spotted, followed and documented using GreenPlanet’s slow-release fertilizer in his secret garden. Throughout this story, Bigfoot habitually relies on BCB as his crop’s main source of fertilizer. But even more interesting, in all the texts related to Bigfoot using BackCountry Blend in his secret garden, there is constant reference to the fertilizer’s ability to save the gardener time, money and labour. For example, in the last article in the campaign, Bigfoot was able to save enough money during the outdoor season to retire. Along with consistently saving time and labour, the low-cost and high efficiency of BackCountry Blend allowed Bigfoot to increase his profit margin, therefore allowing him to retire early. 

Bigfoot saved time and money with BackCountry Blend

All fun aside, the Bigfoot Campaign does command a certain point: BackCountry Blend is the ideal outdoor fertilizer for growers looking to increase profits, save time, and decrease labour during the outdoor season. To find out more about Bigfoot using BackCountry Blend in the garden this year, read the blog: Breaking News: Bigfoot Sighting in the Pacific Northwest

Want to save time, money and labour in the garden this season? Make the switch to BackCountry Blend! Contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries.

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How BackCountry Blend Boost Increases Bud Weight, Size and Hardness During Flower

The final weeks of flower during the outdoor season is an immensely important time. As the ideal summer weather fades into fall, plants in the garden become susceptible to dozens of damaging hazards. But even more important than protecting your crop against pests, disease and poor weather, is enhancing the potential of a crop’s final output. If you already use BackCountry Blend Grow and Bloom in the outdoor garden, be assured, you’re well on your way to a heavy, quality-focused harvest. However, among other additives that increase bud weight, size and hardness during flower, BackCountry Blend Boost is the only granular, slow-release fertilizer that promises economic nutrition, without compromising results. Read the passages below to find out more about the bud-enhancing benefits of BackCountry Blend Boost

What is BackCountry Blend Boost? 

BackCountry Blend (BCB) Boost is a controlled release granular bloom additive. Apply BCB Boost to soil or peat moss to provide your plants with a boost of PK during the flowering stage, or, add Boost seamlessly with the rest of GreenPlanet’s BackCountry Blend feeding program. The Boost portion of BCB was formulated to provide your outdoor plants with an extra dose of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and humic acid during the initial and later stages of flower.  Among other benefits like a relaxed feeding routine, low upfront costs and decreased labour requirements, BackCountry Blend is the only outdoor specific fertilizers that offer growers economic plant nutrition and quality results.

BackCountry Blend Boost: Use and Application 

For reliable results, apply BackCountry Blend Boost at a rate of 0.5-1 teaspoon(s) per foot of plant height. Depending on the maturity of your outdoor garden, apply BCB Boost to your crop six weeks before harvest or in the 9th-12th week of flowering growth. Broadcast the granular fertilizer evenly across the media, pre-amended your choice of potting soil, or pile your application of BCB under drip emitters or next to the stalk of the plant. Because BackCountry Blend Boost is such an aggressive formula, allow 3-5 weeks to pass before re-enriching your medium. Also, like most other feeding programs, the BackCountry Blend system has a prescribed method of use over time. To get the most out of the BCB feed program, review and follow the system on a week-by-week basis. 

Here is an example of the costs and application used with Backcountry Boost alongside Backcountry Blend Grow and Backcountry Blend Bloom as a complete Feed Program.

How (P) and (K) Boosters Increase Weight, Size and Hardness

Growers often use a variety of PK boosters to stimulate a chemical change that redirects energy and growth to the vertical tips of plants. If added at right time, a PK boost can increase the weight, size and hardness of buds and flowers. So, in the case of BackCountry Blend, amend this 0-18-19 fertilizer alongside your standard applications of BCB Bloom for the best results; or, add Boost as a standalone supplement to provide your crop with a variety of benefits. For example, if you were to apply BCB Boost to your medium in the 2nd-3rd week of flower, you might notice an increase in bud sites or the swelling of already existing flowers. Here’s what Rich Hamilton, writer for Maximum Yield magazine, says on the use of PK boosters in the garden:

It all depends on what feeds you are using and what you want your plants to do and when. Here are the effects of PK in a nutshell: PK used early tends to increase the amount of flower sites; PK used at the mid to later stages tends to concentrate on increasing what’s already there; PK used at the midpoint gives you the best of both worlds (but by definition also the best of none).

(Hamilton, 2016, para.17)

So, whatever feed system or nutrient routine you happen to use during the outdoor season, it’s clear that using a PK booster in specific stages of growth has the potential to increase bud quality and quantity. If you plan to try a PK supplement in the garden this year, try BackCountry Blend Boost as a standalone supplement to increase the size, weight and hardness of your crop’s flowers.

Want to learn more about BackCountry Blend? Read the blog: Elevate Your Outdoor Garden With BackCountry Blend.

Work Cited

  • Hamilton, R. (2016). In a pk panic? Maximum Yield. Retrieved March 5th, 2021 from 

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The Benefits of Slow-Release Fertilizer

In a garden where quality is the goal, liquid fertilizer programs, specifically those which offer a variety of organic, synthetic or mixed-method nutrition, time after time, produce the most quality-driven and consistent results. However, as the garden moves outdoors, the goals, costs, and expectations of a crop change. In this fundamental switch of environment, more and more growers have begun to realize the benefits of using slow-release fertilizer during the outdoor season. While using slow-release fertilizer this season, you can expect the following benefits in the garden: savings on time, labour and upfront costs.

With the season approaching, there a single formula trusted by the experienced outdoor gardener – GreenPlanet’s BackCountry Blend. Coming in three specific “parts”, BackCountry Blend is the complete, cost-effective and reliable system of plant nutrition that was specifically designed to save the outdoor grower time, money and labour. For the best results in the garden this year, follow the article below to learn more about the benefits of GreenPlanet’s BackCountry Blend

What is BackCountry Blend? 

BackCountry Blend (BCB) is a granular, slow-release nutrient system that provides your plants with stable nutrition throughout periods of vegetative, flowering and ripening growth. The complete feed program comes in three parts: Grow, Bloom and Boost. While each product has the same application in the garden, each part has its own function based on the stage of plant growth. Furthermore, the Grow, Bloom and Boost formulations of BackCountry Blend come incorporated with TrueCoat technology: a proprietary blend of micronutrients that are amended into each pellet of BackCountry Blend. This ensures that plants remain healthy and unblemished by nutrient deficiencies throughout all stages of growth. 

To learn more about the individual parts, use and application of BackCountry Blend, read our blog titled: Elevate Your Outdoor Garden With BackCountry Blend.

Benefits to Expect From BackCountry Blend 

Because of the economical value of BackCountry Blend, not to mention the easy use and application rate, growers can expect to save time, money and labour over the course of the outdoor season. Follow the passages below to find out exactly how BackCountry Blend affords gardeners the easiest and most profitable outdoor season possible. 

Save Time

Unlike liquid fertilizers that require bi-weekly feedings, mixing and constant buffering, Backcountry Blend saves growers time by being the simplest and most aggressive slow-release formula on the market.

Save Money

Among other nutrients systems specifically tailored for the outdoor garden, Backcountry Blend is the only feed program that promises significant cost savings without compromising results.

Save Labour

With a slow-release fertilizer like Backcountry Blend, you can expect a massive decrease in labour.

Save Time 

Unlike liquid fertilizers that require bi-weekly feedings, mixing and constant buffering, BackCountry Blend saves growers time by being the simplest and most aggressive slow-release formula on the market. For reliable results, apply BackCountry Blend at a rate of 0.5-1 teaspoon per foot of plant height, and allow at least 3-5 weeks to pass before enriching the medium again.

There is absolutely no guesswork or learning curve with BackCountry Blend: just broadcast the fertilizer over your medium and watch your crop thrive! 

Save Money 

In one of our early blogs, Save Money this Outdoor Season with Backcountry Blend, we described a cost-benefit analysis of using either liquid or slow-release fertilizer during the outdoor season. Throughout the article, it was shown that growers who used BackCountry Blend, as opposed to more complicated liquid fertilizers, saved approximately $959.95 over a 14 week period. Furthermore, it was found that growers who chose the slow-release fertilizer over liquid were able to supplement three full seasons of outdoor growing with an initial investment of $137.97. While the analysis mainly focuses on the upfront costs of fertilizer during the outdoor season, it also refers to some of the unparalleled benefits of slow-release fertilizer like savings on time and labour. 

Save Labour 

With a slow-release fertilizer like BackCountry Blend, you can expect a massive decrease in labour. In a typical indoor garden, liquid fertilizer may be applied in a number of different ways; most popularly, experts recommend adding plant food to a garden’s irrigation schedule every other day. So over a 14-week outdoor season, it would not be unexpected for growers to use liquid plant food to mix, measure and balance nutrient solution over thirty-two times. Needless to say, the accumulated labour it takes to manage liquid fertilizer over such a long period of time can add up quickly. With BackCountry Blend, however, growers will amend their medium an average of six times over the growing season. Furthermore, this process of granular application requires no water reservoir, measuring, balancing or mixing.

The average feeding amounts of 3 tsp or 15 grams was multiplied by 10 to fit the parameters of a 10 plant outdoor garden. 

 Want to save time, money and labour in the garden this season? Make the switch to BackCountry Blend! Contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Save Money this Outdoor Season with Backcountry Blend

With strong genetics, ideal weather and quality sourced inputs, even novice growers can experience success during the outdoor season. New growers have taken to the outdoor garden for many reasons; but most notably, growing outside requires little to no upfront investment, as lighting systems, environmental hardware and digital controls are managed naturally by the spring and summer months. So, with the environment in the garden taken care of, there is only a single input that needs to be continually purchased – fertilizer. 

Among other nutrient systems specifically tailored for the outdoor garden, BackCountry Blend is the only feed program that promises economic nutrition without compromising results. Follow the article below for more information on the cost of fertilizer, and save money this season with GreenPlanet Nutrients BackCountry Blend.

The Cost of Fertilizer During the Outdoor Season 

The following passages are a cost-benefit analysis of the investment of nutrient “inputs” during the outdoor season. The analysis will show between two feeding programs, Hydro Fuel’s 4-Part liquid fertilizer and BackCountry’s Blend (BCB) slow-release nutrient system, that GreenPlanet’s BCB program evidently saves the grower both upfront and continual costs over the duration of the outdoor season. To minimize variables, consistent parameters and concepts have been set into our nutrient calculator throughout the analysis; these include: 


A 14 week, start to finish, outdoor season.
A nutrient reservoir of approximately 200 litres or 50 gallons.
A staggered feeding schedule of liquid nutrients twice per week. 
Ten outdoor plants with a maximum height of six feet.
An outdoor season with ideal weather conditions; for the purpose of this analysis, an ideal growing season (one without hazards) will be imagined.
An assumption that the benefits (yield, quality, size, aroma) of the outdoor season will be within a certain degree of closeness in either garden. 

The analysis will be broken down into two sections: one that will examine the upfront and overtime costs associated with liquid fertilizer, and one that will determine the cost of a granular, slow-release system. 

The Cost of Growing with Liquid Fertilizer

By using GreenPlanet’s Hydro Fuel 4-Part nutrient system, you can expect the upfront and recurring investment of fertilizer during the outdoor season to be approximately $1,097.92. Based on the parameters listed above, and by carefully following the nutrient calculations for Hydro Fuel’s 4-Part feed program, a 10L set of the Hydro Fuel nutrient system would be required for an outdoor garden of this size.

A full program includes the following: Hydro Fuel Grow A & B, Hydro Fuel Bloom A & B, Vitathrive Propagation Solution, Rezin, Massive Bloom Formulation and Liquid Weight. These are the nutrient amounts and requirements over a 14 week period: 

While there is obviously some variation in amounts and requirements as we examine each nutrient supplement, based on the “bundle” package gardeners receive when buying fertilizer in bulk amounts, the 10L system is the recommended start to finish quantity. The fertilizer volume amounts over a 14-week period were calculated by referring to the Hydro Fuel 4-Part feed program nutrient calculator. Sticking with the conceptualized parameters of the analysis, the reservoir size was set at 200L, the vegetative period was extended by three weeks, and the nutrient amounts were doubled to simulate feeding at least twice per indicated week. 

The Cost of Growing with Slow-Release Fertilizer

Using GreenPlanet’s BackCountry Blend formula in an outdoor garden of the same size will result in average fertilization costs of $137.97. Again, by following the concepts, garden parameters and nutrient calculations listed above, 10 plants with a maximum height of six feet would only require the smallest size of the BackCountry Blend feeding program.

This program includes BackCountry Blend Grow, BackCountry Blend Bloom and BackCountry Blend Boost, all in 5KG sizes. Here are the following nutrient and feeding requirements for the same 14-week growing season: 

Unlike the liquid feed program above, with the BackCountry Blend formula, there is absolutely no variation in fertilizer amounts. So, not only is the granular, slow-release fertilizer more cost-effective, but it also proposes increased simplicity, cuts down on labour costs, and, with nutrient enrichment only necessary 6 out of 14 weeks, the BackCountry Blend feeding system evidently suggests a more relaxed feeding schedule. The fertilizer volume amounts were calculated by referring to the BackCountry Blend feed program nutrient calculator. The average feeding amounts of 3 tsp or 15 grams was multiplied by 10 to fit the parameters of a 10 plant outdoor garden. 

Cost Comparison between the 4 Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program & BackCountry Blend Outdoor Feed Program

Above we’ve calculated the individual costs of growing with the Hydro Fuel Feed Program and the BackCountry Blend Outdoor Feed Program. Below we’ve summarized the costs for you to see the price difference.

The overall cost of growing with the Hydro Fuel 4-Part feed program:  


The overall cost of growing with the BackCountry Blend feed program:



Based on the analysis above, and with the assumption that either feed program will result in consistent benefits, the BackCountry feed program is arguably the best fit for the outdoor garden. Not only is the BCB formula more cost-effective, coming in almost eight times cheaper than a liquid fertilizer program, but the additional decrease in labour and time is of added benefit to gardens at any scale. Furthermore, the BackCountry Blend feed program is a dry, granular product; meaning, that GreenPlanet’s BCB formula has an increased shelf life as opposed to liquid fertilizers that were exposed to air. For example, the analysis shows that a 10 plant garden could have over three successful seasons of outdoor growing on the initial investment of $137.97. 

Want to save time, money and labour in the garden this season? Make the switch to BackCountry Blend! Contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Save Money

Among other nutrient systems specifically tailored for the outdoor garden, BackCountry Blend is the only feed program that promises significant cost savings without compromising results.

Save Time

Unlike liquid fertilizers that require bi-weekly feedings, mixing and constant buffering, BackCountry Blend saves growers time by being the simplest and most aggressive slow-release formula on the market.

Save Labour

With a slow-release fertilizer like BackCountry Blend, you can expect a massive decrease in labour

Download the BackCountry Feed Program

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Elevate Your Outdoor Garden With BackCountry Blend

On the subject of plant food, it’s clear that liquid nutrients are held in the highest regard by the majority of experienced growers. Feeding programs, specifically those which offer a variety of organic, synthetic or mixed-method approaches to fertilization, time after time, produce the most quality-driven and consistent results. However, as the garden moves outdoors, the superiority of liquid nutrients becomes less of a consensus and more of a debate. This change in methodology is arguably sparked a simple cost-benefit analysis of the growing season. For example, if the cost of liquid fertilizer is continually integrated into the budget of an outdoor garden, the return on investment of the season is significantly reduced. And, in an outdoor garden, where quantity is the goal, quality-driven liquid plant food does little to replicate the flower produced in an indoor environment. 

With the season approaching, there is one formula trusted by the experienced outdoor gardener – GreenPlanet Nutrients BackCountry Blend. Coming in three specific “parts”, BackCountry Blend is the complete, cost-effective and reliable system of plant nutrition that was specifically designed to save the outdoor grower time, money and labour. For the best results in the garden this year, follow the article below to learn more about BackCountry Blend

Save Time

Unlike liquid fertilizers that require bi-weekly feedings, mixing and constant buffering, Backcountry Blend saves growers time by being the simplest and most aggressive slow-release formula on the market.

Save Money

Among other nutrients systems specifically tailored for the outdoor garden, Backcountry Blend is the only feed program that promises significant cost savings without compromising results.

Save Labour

With a slow-release fertilizer like Backcountry Blend, you can expect a massive decrease in labour.

For us at YETIVA, BACKCOUNTRY BLEND worked flawlessly. AFFORDABILITY, STABLE & TIME SAVING!!! We were under time constraints and just couldn’t have been busier, BACKCOUNTRY made daily and weekly maintenance a breeze and saved time in so many ways. PLUS our plants had never been happier. Not to mention the reps and staff at GreenPlanet answering any and all questions we had. We here at YETIVA will be continuing to use GREENPLANET from here on out.

YETIVA FARMSOklahoma owned and operated OMMA certified medical marijuana facility

What is BackCountry Blend? 

BackCountry Blend (BCB) is a granular, slow-release nutrient system that provides your plants with stable nutrition throughout periods of vegetative, flowering and ripening growth. The complete feed program comes in three parts: Grow, Bloom and Boost. While each product has the same application in the garden, each part has its own function based on the specific stage of plant growth. Furthermore, the Grow, Bloom and Boost formulations of BackCountry Blend come incorporated with TrueCoat technology: a proprietary blend of micronutrients that are amended into each and every pellet of BackCountry Blend. This ensures that plants remain healthy and unblemished by nutrient deficiencies throughout all stages of growth. 

BackCountry Blend: Grow 

Backcountry Blend Grow contains a carefully selected blend of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) that are measured specifically for the vegetative stage. With an N-P-K ratio of 16-10-8, BCB Grow is an aggressive vegetative formula with high nitrogen and calcium content that promotes general health, excessive spurts of vertical growth and the production of broad, green leaves and foliage. 

BackCountry Blend: Bloom 

BackCountry Blend Bloom contains a full spectrum of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) that are measured specifically for the flowering stage. The Bloom formula of BCB includes higher levels of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) that plants require during the flowering stage. Phosphorus plays a key role in essential functions of the plant such as photosynthesis, transfer of energy, and nutrient movement through the plant. Potassium aids in the conversion of phosphorus into energy your plants can use and strengthens cell walls to support larger yields. 

BackCountry Blend: Boost 

BackCountry Blend Boost is designed to be used in conjunction with BackCountry Blend Bloom during the flowering stage. Boost provides your outdoor plants with an extra dose of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca), as well as the addition of humic acid. Phosphorus and potassium are vital elements that aid in the development of flowers and the movement of nutrients through the plant. Calcium plays a major role in cell wall composition and also helps maintain chemical balances in the soil. Humic acid aids in the movement of nutrients through the grow medium, making them easier for the plant to absorb. These added benefits improve overall yields, floral development, colour, aroma and hardening in late flower. 

Use and Application

For reliable results, apply BackCountry Blend Grow, Bloom and Boost at a rate of 0.5-1 teaspoon(s) per foot of plant height. Begin application of the BCB formula when plants are well established in pots or beds and have at least 8-12 inches of vertical growth. Broadcast the granular fertilizer evenly across the media, pre-amended your choice of soil-based media, or pile your application of BCB under drip emitters or next to the stalk of the plant. Because BackCountry Blend is such an aggressive formula, allow 3-5 weeks to pass before re-enriching your medium. Like most other feeding programs, the BackCountry Blend feed system has a prescribed method of use over time. To get the most out of the BCB feed program, review and follow the system on a week-by-week basis. 

Want to elevate your garden with BackCountry Blend? GreenPlanet is here to help! Contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Tips on Growing in Deep Water Culture

When mastered, deep water culture (DWC) systems have the highest potential for water, nutrient and labour savings. Not to mention, if the right strain is selected for a DWC system, there is essentially no limit to the size of plant you might grow. Other benefits to DWC systems include a relaxed and automated feeding schedule, enhanced growth rates, simplistic scalability and clean, aromatic, sugar-coated flowers. While deep water-culture operations have amazing potential, the path to creating a reliable system is often challenging, as inputs like water temperature, soluble fertilizer, aeration and recirculation need to be set in place and managed at all times. For tips on growing a successful crop in deep water-culture, follow the passages below:

What is Deep Water Culture? 

Like most other hydroponic systems, deep water culture is the method of growing outside of mediums like soil; however, DWC takes the science of hydroponics a step further and submerges plants completely in aerated water, which affords plants the most oxygenated and nutrient-filled environment possible. DWC systems can be constructed in varying patterns, are highly scalable, and use nothing but water, nutrients and hydroponic medium to support plants during growth. While it is possible to construct your own DWC system, this process can be extremely complicated. So, if your experience in engineering hydroponic systems are limited, this job may be better left to the experts. You can find DWC systems to suit all kinds of growers, from novice to commercial. To browse GreenPlanet Wholesale’s selection of recirculating deep water culture systems, click here. 

Current Culture H2O Under Current System
Current Culture H2O Under Current System Evolution XL 13
Current Culture H2O Under Current System Double Barrel

The Benefits of DWC Systems 

Because the root-zone is surrounded by nutrient solution, there is no buffer-time between root and nutrient exchange. This leads plants to grow faster and more vigorously throughout periods of growth and bloom. Royal Queen Seeds, an international proponent of the growing potential of DWC systems, affirms this claim in the lines: 

Plants grown in DWC setups have easier access to oxygen and nutrients, which means they spend less energy searching for nutrients and developing roots. As a result, plants will reward you with fast vegetative growth and excellent yields. In a good DWC set up with the right nutrients and strain, cannabis can grow as much as 10cm in a single day!

(Royal Queen Seeds, 2018, para. 4)

Now that the method and potential benefits of growing in deep water-culture are clear, let’s look at some of the features of DWC that protect your crop from unwanted issues. 

Water Temperature

One of the most important features of a DWC system to manage is water temperature. Because the environment of an indoor garden is quite warm, usually sitting around 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit (26-29C), the water inside hydroponic reservoirs can begin to heat up as well. As the temperatures of the reservoir rise, say above 72F (22C), this can cause major issues for plants growing in DWC systems. For instance, in warm water, oxygen levels begin to plummet, creating an anaerobic environment, and leave plants exposed to issues like root-rot, pythium and unwanted bacteria cultures. To combat this issue, it is highly recommended to use fans, coils, insulation or chillers to cool your water source. GroWell, an online source of knowledge and growing equipment, has this to say on the importance of temperature in DWC systems: 

One of the best methods for preventing pythium from occurring in recirculating hydroponic systems is to maintain the optimum nutrient solution temperatures by insulating the reservoir and using a chiller. Most pythium species responsible for hydroponic crop damage are very active at a temperature range of 20-30C, so try and keep the solution at a cool 18-20C.

(GroWell, 2014, para. 21)

In short, for your best chance of fighting against root disease, keep water temperatures cool, provide your roots with vigorous amounts of oxygen, and if necessary, install external chillers to keep rising temperatures at bay.

Soluble Nutrient Systems 

The next feature to examine when managing a DWC system is nutrients.In short, not all types of nutrient systems are meant to be used in hydroponic gardens. Variants of fish fertilizers, for instance, would perform very poorly in an aerated, and constantly recirculating system like deep water culture. In a matter of days, if not hours, the enzymes, microbes and proteins found in fish hydrolysate would begin to bubble, foam, and gurgle, quickly becoming the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria and fungi. Instead of sticking to your favourite outdoor or organic fertilizer, try finding a soluble, highly concentrated and well-reviewed nutrient system that is specific for soilless mediums. To browse GreenPlanet’s selection of nutrient systems, click here. 

Aeration and Recirculation

Two features, aeration and re-circulation, are both fundamental aspects of a well-functioning deep water-culture system. Since plants in DWC systems are submerged in water and are outside of their “normal” environmental conditions, oxygen levels within the reservoir must remain high to both enhance the plant’s metabolism and simulate an oxygenated environment. Likewise, a recirculating system can provide plants with a steady stream of nutrients, fresh water and oxygen from connected buckets and water storage tanks. For the best results in a DWC system, make sure your equipment functioning as advertised, and change airstones, pumps and additional parts when needed. 

Check Your Water Pumps
Remember To Change Your Air Stones
Ensure Your Air Pump Is Running Smoothly.

Want to start growing in your own deep water-culture system? GreenPlanet is here to help! Discover which fertilizer, medium or method would work best for your garden. For all other questions, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Works Cited

  • Royal Queen Seeds: Cannabis Blog. (2018). Get huge yields using deep water culture (DWC). Retrieved January 15th, 2020 from
  • GroWell: UK. (2014). Got rotting roots? Pythium: An in-depth analysis. Retrieved January 15th, 2020 from 

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