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Understanding the Feed Program: Medi One

Dedicating your garden to a complete and well-rounded feeding program is a great way to ensure that your harvest is a cut above the rest. Not only do feeding programs contain the essentials for plant health and nutrition, but they also include supplements that can elevate your product to levels of unforgettable quality. Whether you’re new to gardening or have been growing for decades, experts would agree that committing to a program that promises to produce a heavy, quality-driven harvest, is a good place to start. In hopes of guiding gardeners to possibly the most quality-focused feeding program on the market, the following passages will dive deeper into the organic feeding program of Medi One

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dose, ratio, supplementation and use overtime. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates and a trichome enhancer. By combining the inputs in a feeding program, prompted with other factors that produce a confident yield, growers can expect their garden to produce the most quality driven harvest possible. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here

The 1 Part Medi One Feed Program

Medi One is perhaps the easiest to use organic base nutrient on the market. Accompanied with a cornucopia of supplements like Ocean Magic, Vitathrive, Massive and Rezin, the 1 Part Medi One Feed Program is sure to impress. Perfect for indoor or outdoor soil/soilless gardens, Medi One is the choice pick for growers who want to produce a clean harvest, free of any harsh or insoluble chemicals. Before committing your garden to the Medi One Feed Program, consult a description of each supplement included in the schedule below. 

Medi One: Base Nutrient

Medi One is an OMRI-listed, one-part, organic base nutrient. Composed from multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed fish ingredients and naturally sourced potassium sulphate, Medi One boasts an impressive yet balanced N-P-K ratio of 4-3-3; and, because of the slow steaming of inert ingredients during the manufacturing process, Medi One is an overflowing reservoir of essential micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese and zinc. Additionally, unlike other organic fertilizers, which are usually manufactured and sold in powdered or soluble form, Medi One’s liquid form offers plants instant nutrient availability. 

Ocean Magic: Additive Nutrient

Ocean Magic is a vegetative and flowering additive derived from cold-pressed sea kelp that benefits your plants. The wealth of ingredients found in Ocean Magic supports several functional properties, such as rooting and reducing environmental and plant stress. Used as either a root-soak or foliar spray, Ocean Magic contains special plant hormones, including auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins, which have been linked to promoting vigorous growth, branching, and increased resistance to stress in plants (Stirk & Staden, 2014, p. 127). 

Massive Bloom Formulation: Additive Nutrient

Massive Bloom Formulation is our premier flowering additive formulated with all of the necessary macro and microelements to increase flower size. It also provides several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates. Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with Medi One’s living, organic qualities

Rezin: Additive Nutrient

Rezin is our flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavour and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden. 

Entourage Effect: The theory that the synergistic effect of THC, flavonoids, cannabinoids and terpenes all contribute to the overall “experience” of cannabis consumption. 

Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient

Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that support beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend a fantastic amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your living medium.  Want to know more about carbohydrate supplements? Read our blog: The Power of Carbohydrates in the Garden.

Using the Feed Program

Like a recipe, the Medi One Feed Program delivers the best results when the formula is followed. As explained above, a feeding program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation and use over time. Throughout the weeks of vegetative and flowering growth, the Medi One Feed Program will guide the grower through different stages of a plant’s life and offer general feeding ratios, doses and helpful supplementation tips over time. All the measurements of plant food on our feeding programs are described in millilitres of fertilizers per litre of water.

Features and Considerations

At a glance, you’ll notice a few distinguishing features about the Medi One Feeding Program: first, only certain products and supplements are recommended for use in specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feed chart is split into two stages: vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use; for instance, you’ll notice that products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower, once plants have established pistils and bud sites. 

Our feed charts are split into two stages: vegetative and flowering.

Another aspect of the feeding chart to examine is the rise and gradual plateau of the recommended Parts Per Million (PPM) of your nutrient solution. PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution. In this case, since we are examining fertilizer, PPM can be seen as a measurement that determines the strength and concentration of dissolved elements within a nutrient solution. While following the Medi One Feed Program, you’ll notice that the PPM of your nutrient solution will gradually increase as you move into the flowering stage, finally plateauing in weeks 2 – 6, followed by a gradual decrease in strength as you move towards the final weeks of the flushing period. These general measurements are based on the assumption that as time progresses, your plants will become larger and will, therefore, be able to digest a more concentrated nutrient solution.

As plants go from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage of growth, their nutrient requirements increase.

There’s no better time than now to start your garden off right with the help of the Medi One nutrient schedule. Want to learn more about Medi One? Read our previous blog: Medi One’s Role in an Organic Garden. For all other inquiries, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Works Cited:

  • Russo, E. (2019). The case for the entourage effect and conventional breeding of clinical cannabis: No “strain,” no gain. Frontiers in Plant Science. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from US National Library of Medicine.
  • Stirk, W. A., & Van Staden, J. (2014). Chapter five – Plant growth regulators in seaweeds: Occurrence, regulation and functions. Advances in Botanical Research, 125–159. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from ScienceDirect

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Understanding the Parts of GreenPlanet Nutrients Base Fertilizer Programs

Whether you garden in soil or hydroponics, choosing a plant food that fits your preferred method of growing can be as important as other factors that promote the maximum yield of a garden. For all of us looking for simpler and more effective tools in the garden, GreenPlanet Nutrients has introduced multiple base nutrient programs to fit any system and all levels of growing experience. From the organically derived Medi One to the classic and clean GP3, GreenPlanet Nutrients has all the bases covered when it comes to hassle-free gardening. 

What is The Part System? 

The “parts” of a GreenPlanet Nutrient system can be described as a set of nutrient enrichment programs that utilize different steps, quantities and qualities in the growing process. The different parts of a nutrient program can typically be broken down into the number of bottles growers would use in a base nutrient system. GreenPlanet Nutrients, for instance, has four available base nutrient programs, each system consisting of varying qualities and mixing procedures.

In simple terms, a part references the number of bottles that a particular base nutrient uses within a feed program. E.g 3 Part GP3 = 3 Base Nutrient Bottles

All of the parts of a base nutrient program are made up of similar elements, the only difference between them is the method of mixing and ratios during irrigation. For example, GreenPlanet Nutrient one part base nutrient program, Medi One, relies only on a single bottle to supply your garden with an array of macro and micronutrients throughout the vegetative and flowering cycles. While a more advanced formula, like GP3, uses three bottles to supply plants with the necessary essentials to promote health and steady growth.

1 Part Medi One – 2 Part Dual Fuel – 3 Part GP3 – 4 Part Hydro Fuel

Choosing the Right Feeding Program

Although GreenPlanet gives growers a variety of choices when it comes to fertilizer, each nutrient system provides consistent and reliable results at harvest time. So, there is no clear answer for gardeners when it comes to questions about the base nutrient program that will provide the best results. However, knowing that GreenPlanet Nutrients compiles all their nutrient programs with a complete and cohesive list of available elements, should provide consumers with peace of mind during the moments leading up to choosing a fertilizer for the garden. In short, there is no definite answer when it comes to choosing a fertilizer for the garden, as a more complicated feeding program will not necessarily provide a heavier or more quality-driven harvest. 

Choosing the right feed program doesn’t have to be rocket science and we show you why.

If there is anything at all to consider when choosing plant food, it’s your own preference as a gardener. For example, if you prefer a more laid back, easy-going approach, choose the system with the least amount of base nutrient bottles. If you happen to be interested in the scientific aspects of gardening, a more complicated feeding program with multiple bottles may be the right fit for you. Whatever kind of gardener you may be, and no matter your experience level, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect feeding program to suit your needs. 

GreenPlanet Nutrients Feeding Programs

Here are the part feed programs available to you.

Additional Feed Program

With every feed program, we also offer a starter kit variation that comprises of 500ml bottles within that particular Feed Program.

One Part Nutrient System: Medi One

Medi One is GreenPlanet Nutrients certified organic one part that can be used as a foundation for plant growth and general health throughout a plant’s life cycle. Formulated from multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed fish ingredients, sea kelp, and naturally sourced potassium sulphate, Medi One boasts an impressively balanced NPK ratio of 4-3-3-and is quite possibly the easiest-to-use liquid organic nutrient on the market.

Two Part Nutrient System: Dual Fuel

GreenPlanet Nutrients Dual Fuel is perhaps the simplest and most concentrated base nutrient formula available to growers today. The Dual Fuel nutrient system is made of two parts, used in equal ratios, and can be added, among other additives, to enrich plants in soil, coco, and hydroponic systems throughout the plant’s life. Dual Fuel is extremely cost-effective and is arguably the best choice for beginners and large-scale cultivators alike. 

The Autopot Dual Fuel Feed Program has been tailored to work seamlessly with the AutoPot Watering Systems.

Three Part Nutrient System: GP3

For all of us who prefer traditions in life, GreenPlanet Nutrients offers growers the classically tested three-part program. Consisting of three bottles, GreenPlanet Nutrients GP3 Micro, GP3 Grow, and GP3 Bloom make up the industry’s standard nutrient system for successful growing. Made for the serious gardener, use GP3 in varying doses and ratios throughout the plant’s life for the best results.

The Autopot GP3 Feed Program has been tailored to work seamlessly with the AutoPot Watering Systems.

Four Part Nutrient System: Hydro Fuel

Combining the relaxed stability of the Dual Fuel program with all the clean and conscious meticulousness of GP3, GreenPlanet Nutrients Hydro Fuel blends the best of both worlds. Using Hydro Fuel Grow and Hydro Fuel Bloom in equal parts throughout the plant’s life cycle helps growers spend less time looking at the feeding chart and more time with their plants. But don’t let the simplicity of this system fool you; Hydro Fuel’s four-part system is as tested and traditional as the rest of GreenPlanet’s nutrient programs and can ultimately provide the results you expect from quality-driven plant nutrition. 

Got Questions? We’re Here to Help!

To access all the qualities of GreenPlanet Nutrients feed programs, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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What an OMRI Listed Product Can Do For Your Garden

Organic gardening is the process of enriching plants with naturally occurring materials, which at harvest time, arguably produce the cleanest and most unadulterated food and flower products available on the market. The practice of organic gardening, however, is not entirely about the production of clean and tasty crops – the roots of the trade foremost stem from philosophies that value the environment. Unlike the processes of commercial farming, where growers benefit from a variety of inorganic ingredients, like chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organic growing utilizes natural properties and elements to supplement plant health and stability. By facilitating plant growth through naturally occurring entities, the organic community can encourage tenets such as soil biodiversity and a decrease in waste and pollution, which, if cared for, can ultimately promote and maintain centres of flora and fauna diversification overtime.  

To maintain standards in the field of organic agriculture, organizations such as the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), help manage the industry of inert fertilizer production, ensuring the inputs to your garden are sustainable, ethically sourced, and otherwise meet the certification standards of OMRI listed products. 

What is OMRI?

OMRI is a non-governmental organization that manages the standards of inputs that go into producing certified organic gardening products. In addition, OMRI verifies the sources and procedures of production which go into the manufacturing process of fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, ensuring that the compounds which go into these products meet organic standards.

In order for a product to become an OMRI certified organic, the manufacturer must provide OMRI with data like an ingredients list, the manufacturing process, the formula of production and other necessary information to verify the product’s efficacy against organic standards. You can find OMRI certified products in all places of the industry, from soils and mediums to liquid and soluble fertilizers. To check for yourself if a fertilizer is ‘certified’ organic, consult OMRI’s most recent product list.

What an OMRI Listed Product Can Do For Your Garden

Although there are many benefits of using an organic method of gardening, there are some more specific advantages growers can expect when using an OMRI listed product in the garden.

A Consistent Product

As a consumer, purchasing a product with an OMRI stamp is one of the safest bets you can make in the production of an organic garden. Because of the measures taken by OMRI in the certification process, consumers can expect a product that will produce clean food and flower crops consistently. 

Quality Driven Ingredients

Organic gardening is all about quality. By picking an OMRI certified fertilizer over chemical, or uncertified supplements, you can ensure your garden will be cut above the rest at harvest time. Part of the process of OMRI certification is the payment of quality assurance testing by fertilizer manufacturers against organic standards; manufacturers pay the fee for OMRI testing whether or not their product gets a stamp of certification. As a result, the transparency OMRI provides, along with other foundations of material testing, evidently leads to the production of quality-driven organic products in the marketplace. 

Certified Organic Crop Production

Although OMRI tests specific organic inputs against standards in the production of crops, it does not certify food or flower products as organic in nature. To become a certified organic producer of crops, there are many other steps that gardeners must navigate. As a result, other institutions which act as food/fibre certifiers, look at many factors in the process of farm certification, for instance, where, how, and with what techniques crops are produced. However, if your potentially organic farm was using an OMRI label fertilizer in the production process, the decision to certify your garden as ‘organic’ would become much easier for certifiers.

Ready To Grow With An OMRI Listed Fertilizer?

Looking for a reliable OMRI listed product? Try our award-winning base nutrient Medi One. Medi One is the only certified organic product on the market today that can deliver the quantity and quality you expect from an award-winning nutrient. So, if you’ve ever thought of crossing over into the world of organic farming, your chance is finally here with the help of GreenPlanet.

To access the rich and diverse compounds of Medi One, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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