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3 Simple Supplements to Enhance the Smell and Taste of Cannabis

There is no greater shame than harvesting a beautiful crop, only to have it dried, stale and tasteless, soft, squishy, and smelling of hay. The look of growers during this revelation is daunting. Some may be indifferent about the result, saying, “oh, well, it’s not that bad”, while others’ disappointment can only be measured by the critical scowl following the ol’ squeeze and sniff technique. While environmental issues are largely responsible for the texture and rigidity of cannabis flowers, there are several supplements that growers can rely on to provide them with sugar-coated buds, teaming with overpowering and pungent aromas. Below, we’ll discuss common terpene and flavonoid compounds, followed by three simple ways to enhance the smell and taste of your crop.

Why Do Cannabis Plants Smell?

Cannabis plants encompass some of the world’s most interesting and complex aromas. But makes cannabis plants smell? Well, here’s the answer: cannabis flowers’ unique flavours and aromas are governed by a combination of special hydrocarbons called terpenes. Existing in over 30,000 forms, terpenes are responsible for determining the unique aroma and taste of a variety of flora including, lavender, rosemary, basil, and of course, cannabis. 

A wide spectrum of terpenes can be found throughout the industry’s most popular genetics. However, much like naturally occurring fruit and flowers in our environment, terpenes can do more than just produce pleasant smells – they can also perpetuate feelings of well-being, promote energy, or induce relaxation and meditation.

Examples of some Cannabis Terpenes profiles

Learn more about these Common Terpene Profiles in Cannabis Flower

Common Terpene Profiles in Cannabis


Sweet and sharp with piney floral notes.


Warm aromas like pepper, cloves and woody spices.


Fresh aromatic scents like pine needles and dill.


icy, sugar-like smells found in basil and mint.


Musky notes of peat, leather, oak and earth. 

Enhance the Smell and Taste of Cannabis with 3 Simple Supplements 

The majority of cannabis terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids are held within the trichomes heads of marijuana flowers. So, if you’re looking to enhance the smell and taste of your cannabis plants, start by increasing the size and density of your trichomes. Below are three supplements from GreenPlanet Nutrients that can be included alongside any base nutrient program to enhance the smell and taste of cannabis.


Bring fire to your crop with GreenPlanet’s trichome, flavour, and aroma enhancer. Formulated with trace amounts of molybdenum and vitamin B1, Rezin can be used in both the flowering and flushing periods of growth to boost essential oil, trichome, and resin content. Rezin contains no plant growth regulators (PGR’s), artificial colouring, or dyes. And, since it contains only a trace amount of a single micronutrient, Rezin will not impact the EC/PPM of your nutrient solution. Rezin will help promote aromas and flavours to bring out the best qualities of your plants in both the late-stage and flushing period.

Root Builder 

Root Builder is GreenPlanet’s microbial supplement that promotes root growth, nutrient uptake, and enhances trichome size and density. Formulated with two sources of bacteria, Bacillus Licheniformis and Bacillus Subtilis, Root Builder can quickly increase microbial activity in the root zone, allowing for increased uptake, yield, and trichome formulation. Experts agree that adding a source of microbes to the root zone can be extremely beneficial. For example, in an article published in Industrial Crops and Products (2018), the authors argue that supplying industrial cannabis with a source of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can drastically increase the size and availability of trichomes (Pagnani et al, p. 75). 

Liquid Weight

Plants use an amazing amount of energy converting fertilizer into energy. They also rely on microbes, or beneficial bacteria to speed up the processes of elemental conversion. These bacteria feed on an array of sugary carbohydrates to maintain colonies of microbes in all stages of plant growth, but especially during the later stages of flower. So, for a consistent supply of carbohydrates, try GreenPlanet’s Liquid Weight. It’s designed to increase and maintain microbial colonies, which aids in crop progression, flower formation, trichome expression, and nutrient and fluid uptake. If you’re looking to get the most out of your garden, Liquid Weight is the perfect supplement. 

Remember, to enhance the smell and taste of cannabis, grow trichomes, not flowers! For more information on the products or information mentioned in this article, contact your GreenPlanet representative directly, or your local garden supply store. 

Work Cited

  • Pagnani, G. (2018). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in Cannabis sativa ‘Finola’ cultivation: An alternative fertilization strategy to improve plant growth and quality characteristics. Industrial Crops and Products. Retrieved November 9th, 2021 from

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Fix 5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies with GreenPlanet Nutrients Pro Cal

N-P-K is an acronym for the most readily available macronutrients found in plant food. These important elements, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), are the building blocks of plant nutrition and are an essential part of a plant’s diet throughout the periods of vegetative and flowering growth. However, there are another 7 elements called micronutrients that are also essential for plant health. Without access to essential elements, crops can exhibit deficiencies such as yellowing, purple, or bronze discoloration, spotting, interveinal chlorosis and slow, or stunted growth. Lucky for us, GreenPlanet’s Pro Cal is loaded with several sources of primary, secondary, and micronutrients to ensure your plants stay healthy and happy in all stages of growth. If you’re interested in what Pro Cal can do for your garden, read the following passages to learn how to fix 5 common nutrient deficiencies with GreenPlanet’s premier micronutrient supplement.  

What is Pro Cal?

Pro Cal is GreenPlanet’s supplemental source of essential elements that plants require at all stages of growth. Pro Cal’s formula provides readily available calcium and magnesium, as well as iron, nitrogen, boron, and zinc. This formula ensures your plants do not come up short when they are ready for rapid growth. Plants undergo a large amount of stress in their goal to build cell walls, produce chlorophyll, conduct photosynthesis, and perform other key plant functions. Pro Cal helps plants with this workload by providing access to a variety of clean, quality-assured elements.

Fix 5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies with Pro Cal

1. Nitrogen Deficiency

Access to a rich and abundant source of nitrogen is extremely important. Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in crops are as follows: light green growth, yellowing, general discoloration, and brown spotting. Nitrogen is needed by plants to promote rapid growth, especially for fruit and flower development. Also, nitrogen increases leaf size and hastens photosynthesis during the vegetative stage. If plants do not receive adequate nitrogen, crops can become spindly and wilted, new leaves will become smaller and the plant will slowly suffer by withering away into nothing.

Nitrogen deficiency in crops are as follows: light green growth, yellowing, general discoloration.

Pro Cal can help correct nitrogen deficiencies in plants. With an N-P-K of 2-0-0, it’s the perfect supplement to add to your existing feeding program. If you start to notice any one of the common symptoms above, just add Pro Cal at the recommended rate (1.25ml/L) until you notice healthy, vigorously growing new shoots and leaves. 

2. Calcium Deficiency

Here are some of the symptoms of a plant with a calcium deficiency: stunted foliage, yellowing edges, and leaf tips that resemble tip burn. In the most serious cases, a calcium deficiency will result in browning leaf tips that slope downwards and become crunchy to the touch. Calcium is a major contributor to the plant’s cell wall and provides structural support to cell walls and leaf development. Also, calcium is needed by plants to produce new growing points and root tips. Without an adequate supply of calcium, plants will quickly suffer by developing one of the common symptoms above.  

Calcium deficiency: stunted foliage, yellowing edges, and leaf tips that resemble tip burn.

Luckily, calcium is a major component in GreenPlanet’s Pro Cal. If you happen to notice the development of a calcium deficiency in your plants, incorporate Pro Cal into your feeding program until your crops are healthy and free of any calcium deficiency.

3. Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency symptoms: older leaves with interveinal chlorosis, and yellow and brown spotting. In severe cases, plant growth rate drops, leaf size is reduced, and the lower leaves are shed. Magnesium is a structural component of the chlorophyll molecule. Plants need this important element to produce carbohydrates, sugars, and fats and in the regulation of nutrient absorption. 

Magnesium deficiency leaves have interveinal chlorosis and yellow and brown spotting.

Pro Cal is formulated with a major dose of magnesium. So, if your plants are displaying symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, add Pro Cal to your preexisting nutrient solution at a rate of 1.25ml/L until new, deficiency-free growth appears.

4. Iron Deficiency

A lack of iron can present growers with a variety of problems. Symptoms of an iron deficiency include light green to yellow interveinal chlorosis on newly emerging leaves, dying roots, and in severe cases, reduced leaf size, and dead spots on old growth. Iron is needed by plants for the synthesis of chloroplast proteins and various enzymes. Like a magnesium deficiency, a lack of iron will cause a severe interveinal chlorophyll discoloration – leaves will likely be a light green colour with dark green or black veinal lines. However, an iron deficiency will cause this phenomenon in new growth, not old.

Iron deficiency includes light green to yellow interveinal chlorosis on newly emerging leaves.

Three types of chelated iron are incorporated into GreenPlanet’s Pro Cal: Iron EDTA, Iron EDDHA, and Iron DTPA. These multiple sources ensure that iron can be absorbed at different and varying pH ranges. For example, iron EDTA is held strongly in a solution at a pH of 6.0, while iron DTPA is held in pH ranges above 8.0. So, if you happen to notice even a minor iron deficiency, consider supplying your plants with Pro Cal. This inclusion will provide your crop with not one, but multiple sources of chelated iron.

5. Zinc Deficiency

Zinc is an extremely underrated micronutrient. Plants with a lack of zinc will exhibit symptoms such as light green, pale leaves with aggressive dark veins; and in severe cases, tip burn and bronze or red spotting starting from the tip down will appear. Zinc is important because it unlocks and facilitates the uptake of natural plant growth regulators. Without access to hormones like auxins and gibberellins, plants will quickly exhibit the symptoms above. Also, natural growth patterns will slow, internodal spacing will drastically decrease, and new leaves and shoots will shrink. 

Plants with a lack of zinc will exhibit symptoms such as light green, pale leaves with aggressive dark veins; and in severe cases, tip burn.

To avoid the issues above, chelated zinc EDTA has been included in GreenPlanet’s Pro Cal. It’s extremely important to provide your plant’s access to natural plant hormones during all stages of growth. So, by including Pro Cal in your regular feeding routine, you can guarantee the avoidance of zinc-related deficiencies. 

GreenPlanet Nutrients makes a wide variety of feed programs, additives, and maintenance supplements. To access the products available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Why Expert Growers Love GreenPlanet’s 3-Part Program

If you’re a seasoned grower, you’ll love GreenPlanet’s GP3 3-Part program. Here’s why: GreenPlanet’s GP3 offers expert growers access to one of the cleanest and most quality-driven 3-Part formulations on the market. GP3 is clean because it’s produced without the inclusion of carbonates, bi-carbonates, fillers, artificial colours, or preservatives. Also, the quality design of GreenPlanet’s 3-Part is unmatched by competitors. 3-Part nutrient programs are classic and traditional nutrient enrichment programs. GP3, however, is the only 3-Part program on the market that provides plants with stable elements, chelated micronutrients, and multiple sources of iron, all within a clean, low salt formulation. If you want to learn more about why expert growers love GreenPlanet’s 3-Part program, read the following passages below. 

What is GreenPlanet’s GP3 3-Part Feed Program?

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part GP3 feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and several additives that enhance both vegetative and blooming growth. The base nutrient component consists of three parts: Grow, Micro and Bloom. Made for the expert grower, GP3 offers plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc, to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, GP3 is fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making it the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best.

GP3 feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and four additive nutrients.

Why Expert Growers Love GreenPlanet’s 3-Part Program 

A Clean Formula: No Carbonates, Bi-Carbonates, or Fillers 

GP3 contains no carbonates, bi-carbonates, unnatural derivatives, or fillers, and each product in the GP3 program goes through a rigorous filtration process during production to ensure an extremely low salt index. Carbonates and bi-carbonates form when a positively charged metal ion comes in contact with the oxygen atoms of a carbonate ion. These compounds are often insoluble in water and exhibit some level of basicity or acidity in water (Zumdahl, 2008, p. 17). Experts argue that carbonates and bi-carbonates can be damaging to crops by allowing micronutrients to become less available to plants at undesirable pH ranges, therefore inducing micronutrient chlorosis (Morgan, 2008, p. 60). Furthermore, fertilizers high in carbonates and bi-carbonates contain a high salt index and can consequently lead to the buildup of sodium in drip emitters, irrigation lines, and/or reservoirs (Morgan, 2008, p. 43). 

GreenPlanet ensures the cleanliness and solubility of their 3-Part program by selecting only the purest raw ingredients that undergo no damaging alteration during the manufacturing process. And, to guarantee that GP3 remains as soluble as possible, each product goes through a multi-step filtration process before it is bottled. In short, expert growers love GreenPlanet’s 3-Part because they trust the consistency and quality of the product. 

Includes Multiple Sources of Iron 

While micronutrients only account for 1% of a plant’s dry matter content, they are essential for the vegetative and blooming periods of growth. Iron (Fe), in particular, is an extremely important micronutrient that flowering plants rely on to transport nutrients, respire and photosynthesize water and light energy. Reduced or insufficient iron in the root zone can lead to deformed growth, interveinal chlorosis, poor yields, weakness, and low iron-induced anemia (Schmidt et al, 2020, para. 2). 

GreenPlanet makes sure your plants acquire a wide variety of elemental iron to avoid the exaggeration of the issues above. For example, three unique sources of chelated iron (Iron EDTA, Iron EDDHA, Iron DTPA) are included in the GP3 Micro formulation. Iron EDTA and EDDHA are both synthetic sources of iron, however, they contain different functions when fed to plants in a solution. Iron EDTA, for instance, is made of strongly chelated ions that hold iron elements together for uptake in pH ranges from approximately 6.0 – 6.5; past this, however, iron EDTA becomes almost impossible for plants to absorb (Krauskopf, 2007, para. 4). Then, until a pH of around 8.0, EDDHA becomes the plant’s available source of iron. Finally, at any pH level above 8.0, the last source of iron (DTPA) becomes readily available to plants (Krauskopf, 2007, para. 4). 

GreenPlanet makes sure your plants avoid plant issues by providing three unique sources of chelated iron (Iron EDTA, Iron EDDHA, Iron DTPA) which allow constant nutrient uptake at a varied pH level.

It’s recommended that growers always maintain an acceptable pH range (somewhere between 5.8 – 6.5, depending on the system). However, in the unlikely event that your nutrient solution does rise beyond a suitable range, it’s important to note that safeguards against inevitable micronutrient deficiencies have been put in place. GreenPlanet includes these three sources of iron in their 3-Part feed program to guarantee suitable access to this important micronutrient, no matter the extreme alkalinity of a nutrient solution. 

Intricate and Balanced Nutrition

GP3 is supplied to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom. For example, GP3 Micro and Grow are fed more heavily during the vegetative stage, while GP3 Bloom is the primary component of the nutrient system during flower. These varying ratios make up a scheduled program of plant nutrition in each stage of growth, allowing growers to get the most out of their nutrients with little waste and no issues with common deficiencies. 

This point is not to say that 1 or 2-Part feeding programs aren’t as effective as more intricate nutrient systems. However, by feeding your plants exactly what they need in specific stages of growth, you can guarantee that your crop will have maximal output at harvest time. So, while the GreenPlanet 3-Part program may be slightly more complex, expert growers would agree that the intricacy and balanced nutrition provided by GP3 massively outways the extra effort. 













Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Works Cited

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Why It’s Important to Choose a Fertilizer with a Low Salt Index

All fertilizers are essentially comprised of salts. These salts are usually formulated into fertilizers as mineralized elements. In total, there are 16 essential elements that have been recognized for increasing plant growth. These elements are divided into two categories: micro and macronutrients. Most high-quality base nutrient fertilizers will have a balanced and intricate blend of both micro and macronutrients. However, this balance is not the only inclusion that should be considered before purchasing fertilizer for your garden; the raw ingredients that go into each formulation should also be analyzed in terms of quality. For example, the salt index (SI), or the relative tendency of fertilizer to raise the salt content of the soil is an immensely important control. Fertilizers with a high salt index can damage seedlings and weak plants by reversing natural osmotic pressure and oversaturating crops with unsoluble element forms. If you want to learn about the importance of choosing a fertilizer with a low salt index, read the following passages for more information.

What is a Salt Index Rating?

All granular and liquid fertilizers have a Salt Index Rating (SI), which indicates the relative strength of the salt in the fertilizer. Salt content is one of the most critical characteristics of fertilizers. The SI of fertilizer is a measure of the salt concentration that fertilizer induces in the soil relative to Sodium Nitrate. Sodium Nitrate was used as a standard for measuring the Salt Index of fertilizers because it is 100 percent water-soluble and it was a commonly used nitrogen fertilizer when the SI concept was first proposed in 1943. The SI rating does not indicate the concentration of elements within a fertilizer; however, it does predict the average rate at which fertilizer will increase the salinity of a medium.  

Why It’s Important to Choose a Fertilizer with a Low Salt Index 

Injury or damage to crops can occur when fertilizers with a high salt index are placed in close proximity to seedlings or young plants. When a nutrient solution is applied to a medium, it raises the salt concentration of the root zone. However, if the salt concentration of the medium becomes too aggressive, it can rapidly create an internal imbalance of salt which can lead to tip burn and nutrient toxicity. When a high concentration of salts is added to the surrounding soil/medium, it can often create an imbalance in osmotic pressure, meaning the salt content of the plant is less than the salt content of the medium. A reversal in internal osmotic pressure can result in the plant being unable to uptake water and nutrients, therefore leading to the eventual loss of the plant’s natural metabolic processes. 

Swipe across to see how salt content can affect the nutrient & water uptake

Clean, Highly Soluble Mineral-Based Fertilizer’s Available at GreenPlanet Nutrients

Trust a brand that has the cleanest, most soluble nutrients for your garden.

To avoid the issues above, growers should select only the cleanest, most soluble nutrients for their garden. At GreenPlanet, we pride ourselves on providing growers with a range of high-quality fertilizers. If you’re interested in supplying your plants with an aggressive, yet clean source of nutrients, browse the selected feed programs below. 

2-Part Dual Fuel Feed Program 

Whether you’re a novice cultivator with your first grow tent or a master grower producing on a commercial scale, our 2-Part Dual Fuel feed program gives you the ability to fine-tune your garden to ensure you get bigger and better yields. The base nutrient component of Dual Fuel is divided into two parts: Dual Fuel 1 & Dual Fuel 2. Dual Fuel 1 is the nitrogen (N) and micronutrient heavy component of GreenPlanet’s 2-Part system, while Dual Fuel 2 compliments the feeding program by being packed full of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Sold alongside additives like Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin, the Dual Fuel feed program is by far the most concentrated and clean nutrient formula available on the market. 

Click to read the 2 Part Feed Program

3-Part GP3 Feed Program

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part GP3 feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and several additives that enhance both vegetative and blooming growth. The base nutrient component consists of three parts: Grow, Micro and Bloom. Made for the expert grower, GP3 offers plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc, to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, GP3 is fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making it the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best. Combined with premier additives like Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin, GP3 offers growers a traditional nutrient program with the added benefit of having an extremely low salt index. 

Click to read the 3 Part Feed Program

4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program

The 4-Part Hydro Fuel feed program gives growers extreme control over both vegetative and flowering growth with two specific and balanced formulas for each stage of production. The base nutrient component comes in four parts, A&B Grow and A&B Bloom, two formulas for each stage of growth. But don’t let the excess of nutrients fool you into thinking Hydro Fuel is complicated – GreenPlanet’s 4-Part feed program is one of the simplest, yet most effective nutrient systems on the market. The 4-Part Hydro Fuel feed program is sold with products including Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Combined with these additives, the Hydro Fuel feed program ensures steady growth rates with easy-to-manage applications. 

Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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How to Choose a GreenPlanet Liquid Feed Program

GreenPlanet offers growers four distinct liquid feed programs: the 1-Part Medi-One, the 2-Part Dual Fuel, the 3-Part GP3, and the 4-Part Hydro Fuel. But what feed program is right for you? Answering this question depends on a few simple yet essential considerations, including gardening practices, previous experience, and cultivation system of choice. For instance, if you’re an organic farmer, the only suitable GreenPlanet feeding system would be the 1-Part Medi-One program. This nutrient program offers growers readily available organic elements for indoor and outdoor operations. While cultivating practices are perhaps the most important determinant when choosing a nutrient program, many factors go into selecting the ideal feeding system. If you want to learn what GreenPlanet feed program would suit your garden, read the following passages for more information. 

Click here to browse a complete list of GPN liquid feed programs

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements, including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates, and a trichome enhancer. By combining the inputs in a feeding program, prompted by other factors that produce a confident yield, growers can expect their garden to make the most quality-driven harvest possible.

Using the above 1 Part Medi One Feed program as an example to indicate what a complete feeding program should contain:

3 Questions to Consider Before Choosing a Liquid Feed Program 

1. Do You Want to Grow Organic Crops?

This question refers to the example above – if you’re interested in growing organic crops, consider only selecting fertilizers made with organic elements. High-quality fertilizers are typically divided into two categories: synthetic and organic. Synthetic or mineral-based fertilizers are formulated from direct sources of bioavailable elements. However, organic fertilizers are formulated from naturally sourced compounds that become available to the plant once broken down in the root zone. In short, synthetic fertilizers feed the plant, while organic fertilizers feed the soil. This consideration will drastically impact the fertilizer available to growers, as only select feed programs, like GreenPlanet’s 1-Part Medi-One, are specifically formulated with organic elements.

Tip: Look for the OMRI logo on organic fertilizers. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) reviews the manufacturing processes of all organic fertilizers against industry standards of production and ensures that all organic products meet necessary quality levels. 

2. What System or Medium Are You Using?

This question refers to your method of growing. Some fertilizers aren’t suitable for use in specific systems. So, base your fertilizer of choice on your method of growing. Organic fertilizers, for example, can be made from extremely thick, viscous materials like fish hydrolysate, while synthetic fertilizers are usually formulated with highly concentrated amounts of soluble minerals. In short, some fertilizers are designed for use in specific systems. If you’re unsure whether or not a specific fertilizer would be suitable for use in your garden, ask a GreenPlanet sales representative or refer to the “medium approved” icons available on our fertilizer containers and feed charts. 

On the back of each GreenPlanet Nutrient product, you’ll be able to find the For Use Icons for approved medium use

For Use In Icons (Medium Approved Icon List)

3. How Much Experience Do You Have?

There’s no shame in being a new grower. But if you’re new, you must question your experience with plant food. Some fertilizers are more complicated than others. Complex fertilizers, like our GP3 program, come in multiple “parts” and need to be buffered, balanced, and measured in varying ratios over time. Even for the most talented growers, these complex feeding programs can be complicated to manage. All parts of a base nutrient program are made up of similar elements. The only difference between them is the mixing method and ratios during irrigation. So, it’s a good idea to question your capabilities as a gardener and how hard you’re willing to work before selecting a fertilizer. 

Choose a GreenPlanet Liquid Feed Program

After considering the questions above, it’s time to determine which GreenPlanet Nutrients feed program is right for you. GreenPlanet offers growers six liquid feed programs:

Below, we’ll discuss the major differences between these nutrient systems and determine which program would work best for your garden. 

1-Part Medi-One Feed Program 

Simple and Organic – Perfect for Medical Gardeners

If you’re looking for a well-rounded, organic feed program, look no further. GreenPlanet’s Medi-One feed program is an OMRI-listed, one-part, organic base nutrient plus additives. The base nutrient component of the 1-Part program, Medi-One, is composed of multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed freshwater fish, sea kelp, and naturally sourced potassium sulphate. Medi-One also boasts an impressive yet balanced N-P-K ratio of 4-3-3; and, because of the slow steaming of inert ingredients during the manufacturing process, Medi-One is an overflowing reservoir of essential micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese, and zinc.

Other supplements like Ocean Magic, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin are included in the 1-Part Medi-One Feed Program. Ocean Magic is a vegetative additive and is a natural source of plant hormones that increase root development, vertical growth, and horizontal branching. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 1-Part program also includes Rezin, a trichome-enhancing product that can increase the expression of resinous trichome heads. 

2-Part Dual Fuel Feed Program 

Concentrated and Effective – Great For Small and Large Scale Operators Alike


Boasting an aggressive NPK ratio, high concentration rates, and a stable pH range, the Dual Fuel program is unmatched by competitors in terms of content, value, and reliability. GreenPlanet’s Dual Fuel Feed program is the perfect choice for growers who want to produce a clean harvest free of headaches, mishaps, and challenges. The base nutrient component of Dual Fuel is divided into two parts: Dual Fuel 1 & Dual Fuel 2. Dual Fuel 1 is the nitrogen (N) and micronutrient-heavy component of GreenPlanet’s 2-part system, while Dual Fuel 2 complements the feeding program by being packed full of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

Along with Dual Fuel 1 & 2, GreenPlanet’s 2-Part program is sold alongside premier additives like Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, designed to discourage stress and promote early root growth. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 2-Part Dual Fuel program includes Rezin, GreenPlanet’s aroma and flavour enhancer. 

3-Part GP3 Feed Program 

Intricate and Balanced – Made For the Expert Grower

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part GP3 feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and several additives that enhance vegetative and blooming growth. The base nutrient component consists of Grow, Micro and Bloom. Made for the expert grower, GP3 offers plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, GP3 is fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making it the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best.

Along with GP3 Grow, Micro, and Bloom, GreenPlanet’s 3-Part program is sold alongside premier additives like Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, designed to discourage stress and promote early root growth. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 3-Part GP3 program includes Rezin, GreenPlanet’s aroma and flavour enhancer. 

4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program 

Classic and Easy to Use – Designed for the Easy-Going, Traditional Garden 

The 4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program gives growers extreme control over both vegetative and flowering growth with two specific and balanced formulas for each production stage. The base nutrient component comes in four parts, A&B Grow and A&B Bloom, two formulas for each growth stage. But don’t let the excess of nutrients fool you into thinking Hydro Fuel is complicated – GreenPlanet’s 4-Part feed program is one of the simplest yet most effective nutrient systems on the market. For example, each Hydro Fuel pair is mixed in equal ratios. This makes the 4-Part program extremely easy to master and maintain. 

The 4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program is sold with products including Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, designed to discourage stress and promote early root growth. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 4-Part Hydro Fuel program includes Rezin, GreenPlanet’s aroma and flavour enhancer. 

AutoPot Watering Systems Feed Program 

Stable and Extremely Water-Soluble – Made for the AutoPot Watering System

Easy-to-use grow systems demand an easy-to-use feed program to match. That’s why we worked closely with AutoPot to formulate 2 new feed programs based on our original Dual Fuel and GP3 Liquid Feed Programs. To grow successfully with AutoPot, you need a nutrient program that is highly water-soluble and has clean ingredients. Without it, you run the risk of clogged AquaValves and feed lines from excess build-up. Nobody wants to perform emergency grow system maintenance in the middle of their cycle due to their choice of nutrients. The 2 Part AutoPot Dual Fuel Feed Program and 3 Part AutoPot GP3 Feed Program give AutoPot growers peace of mind with clean, simple, and high-quality sources of plant nutrition.

Swipe the image to see either the 2-Part or 3-Part Autpot Feed Programs.

The Dual Fuel and GP3 AutoPot feed programs are sold with their respective base nutrient and additives, including PK Spike, Vitathrive, and Rezin. Made to be highly stable and water-soluble, PK Spike is the designated bloom booster in the AutoPot feed program. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, while Rezin is formulated to increase trichome and essential oil production.

Jason Ralph-Smith, Managing Director at AutoPot Global, put Dual Fuel to the test at the AutoPot Facility.

Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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5 Reasons to Switch to GreenPlanet’s 3-Part Base Nutrient System

3-Part nutrient programs are among the most popular fertilizers in the industry. Made for the expert grower, 3-Part systems offer plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc, to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, 3-Part nutrients are fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making them the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best. 

As you probably know, almost every popular nutrient brand makes a 3-Part feeding system. But what makes one brand of fertilizer different from the rest? At GreenPlanet Nutrients, we pride ourselves on providing expert growers with the best tools for the job – that’s why we’ve designed our 3-Part nutrient program to be the cleanest and most competitive formula on the market. If you’re looking for a new fertilizer, read the following article for 5 reasons to switch to GreenPlanet’s 3-Part base nutrient system. 

5 Reasons to Switch to GreenPlanet’s 3-Part (GP3)

  • No Synthetic Dyes or Colors
  • Highly Controllable
  • Seamlessly Intergratable
  • Low Salt Index
  • 100% Chelated Micronutrients

1.) No Synthetic Dyes or Colors

GP3 contains only what your plants need to thrive. All the colours in each formula of our 3-Part program are naturally derived from the ingredients during manufacturing. This means that the different colours in Micro, Bloom, and Grow are completely stable and contain no synthetic dyes or colouring additives. Food-grade dyes won’t necessarily harm your plants, but they also don’t provide any source of nutrition, and that’s why we’ve chosen to leave them out of our GP3 program.

GP3 Micro, Bloom, and Grow contain no synthetic dyes or colouring additives.

2.) Highly Controllable

Using a 3-Part nutrient system offers growers more control and flexibility in the garden. Compared to 1 or 2-Part base nutrients, 3-Part programs are fed to plants in varying amounts throughout different stages of growth. For example, GP3 Micro and Grow are fed more heavily during the vegetative stage, while GP3 Bloom is the primary component of the nutrient system during flower. These varying ratios make up a scheduled program of plant nutrition in each stage of growth, allowing growers to get the most out of their nutrients with little waste and no issues with common deficiencies. 

3.) Seamlessly Integratable 

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part nutrient system seamlessly integrates into any existing 3-Part program. So, if you just need Micro to fill a spot in your existing feed program – just buy Micro. No matter the brand, each part of GP3 will properly integrate into the program and provide the same essential elements and levels of nutrients. Even if you just need a small amount of GP3 to get you to harvest, you can be assured that the ingredients in GreenPlanet’s 3-Part will integrate seamlessly into any feed program on the market.

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part nutrient system seamlessly integrates into any existing 3-Part program

4.) Low Salt Index

GP3 contains no carbonates, bi-carbonates, unnaturally derivatives, or fillers. Even more interesting is that each product in the GP3 program goes through a rigorous filtration process during production to ensure an extremely low salt index. This makes GreenPlanet’s 3-Part nutrient system one of the cleanest and most soluble formulas on the market. The cleanliness of GP3 not only leads to more ease while using the product, but it also promotes a cleaner, less salt-ridden environment and root zone for your growing plants. 

GP3 promotes a cleaner, less salt-ridden environment

5.) 100% Chelated Micronutrients

All the micronutrients in the GP3 program are 100% chelated. Chelated elements act as catalysts for nutrient uptake by cloaking metals like copper and iron in charged ions to detract them from reacting negatively with water or other negatively charged ions. Chelated micronutrients are generally of higher quality, as chelated metals have an easier time passing through the cell walls of plants, therefore leading to the faster uptake of essential micronutrients.  

The 100% chelated minerals in GP3 allow for a faster and more aggressive uptake of essential nutrients by the plant.

More About the GP3 Feed Program Bundle 

Knowing what separates GP3 from the competition is just the beginning; to truly understand the quality and design of GreenPlanet’s 3-Part nutrient system, you have to try it yourself. Made for the expert grower, GP3 is the perfect nutrient program for cultivators looking to push quality genetics to new and exciting heights. 

More About the GP3 Feed Program Bundle 

Knowing what separates GP3 from the competition is just the beginning; to truly understand the quality and design of GreenPlanet’s 3-Part nutrient system, you have to try it yourself. Made for the expert grower, GP3 is the perfect nutrient program for cultivators looking to push quality genetics to new and exciting heights. 




Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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