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Medi One’s Role in an Organic Garden

A large debate has always been centred around the benefits of organic versus synthetic farming. Mineral-based fertilizers have their place in specific hydroponic systems, such as recirculating reservoirs or aeroponic applications. But for gardeners who prefer to produce crops in coco or peat-based mediums, the debate is left wide-open, as a drain to waste garden utilizes chemicals, organics or mixed-method approaches to nutrient enrichment efficiently and with little resistance throughout the plant’s life cycle. Because the garden is full of variables, the choice to provide a heavier, more quality-driven crop is often shadowed by more important factors such as plant genetics, environmental conditions and gardening techniques. However, in specific situations, it’s evident that choosing the right fertilizer can make or break a garden.  

Organic growing is a great option for coco or peat-based mediums!

So, why the debate? Although the benefits of using an organic nutrient arguably rival that of synthetics, there are two simple worries associated with using organic fertilizers in the garden: control and nutrient availability. In an average organic garden, fertilizers like blood meal, worm casting or bat guano, are pre-amended into the medium of choice, and then are left to “cook-off”, releasing available elements to the plant as they are broken down by humic acids, microorganisms and fungi. This process, however natural, can often lack control and speed for gardeners who are focused on perpetual production. Furthermore, miscalculating the amending process is a common mistake and can devastate a crop.

Despite these worries, one product in today’s market, GreenPlanet Nutrients Medi One, settles the debate between synthetic and organic fertilizers. This one-part base nutrient offers the control and availability of a synthetic fertilizer with the added certification and sustainability of organic production. 

What is Medi-One?

Medi One is an OMRI-listed, one-part, organic base nutrient. This means that Medi One is a certified organic product that can be used as a foundation for plant growth and general health throughout a plant’s life cycle. As discussed above, organic supplements usually comprise single-sourced entities, like worm casting, kelp or bone meal. Medi One is formulated from multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed freshwater fish ingredients and naturally sourced potassium sulphate. Not only does this fertilizer supply your crop with the balanced NPK ratio of 4-3-3, but due to the steaming process of fish and kelp, which preserves naturally occurring amino acids, Medi One is an overflowing reservoir of essential micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese and zinc. 

Front Label Icons

Referring to our icons above. FRONT LABEL: Medi One is a Liquid  Base Nutrient used throughout the Vegetative and Flowering Stages of growth. BACK LABEL: This product is used within a coco-based medium, a continuous liquid feed program, and a soil/soilless medium. Medi One NPK Values are 4 – 3 – 3

Readily Available Elements

Because Medi One is a liquid fertilizer, this nutrient system’s aggressive growth and blooming powers are readily available for your plants to uptake. Similar to a synthetic fertilizing program, the nutrient-enriching qualities of Medi One will be available to your plants within hours of fertilizing. But even more exciting, because of all the hidden organic benefits this fertilizer offers, Medi One will continue to break down in the soil over time, continually enriching your plant’s root zone with crucial nutrients until their next irrigation. Upon flooding your medium with Medi One, vibrant sources of vitamins, amino acids, microorganisms, and fungi will begin to cultivate a living space in the root zone. In short, this microbe enrichment process will help speed along the ecological processes of nutrient uptake and delivery. 

Medi One enriches your root zone with readily available organic elements.

Award-Winning Nutrient Formula

Along with supreme genetics and careful growing conduct, Medi One was the nutrient system that helped cannabis educator John Berfelo win the Medical Cannabis Cup award in 2011 with his prized strain, Medi-Kush. In the article “The Story Behind My Award-Winning Medi Kush Strain,” Berfelo explains the process of strain hunting the sugar-coated, tri-coloured flowers once known to the market as “Christmas Kush.”

John Berfelo’s Medi Kush, grown with Medi One.

For John, this strain offered him extraordinary pain relief. So, it was only a matter of time before he could find seeds and begin cultivating this plant at home in a medicinal garden. Five years after popping the first of his seeds, Berfelo entered the organically grown “Medi Kush” into the private grower’s category of the Medical Cannabis Cup competition. He took home first prize in 2011 and later placed second in 2012. 

Use and Concentration 

Medi One is perhaps the easiest-to-use organic fertilizer on the market. Applying Medi One throughout the plant’s life cycle in indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse operations couldn’t be more straightforward in a liquid concentration form. Depending on the size and durability of your selected crop, mix Medi One in your desired quantity of water at a rate of 1-5 ml/L (4-19 ml/Gal) of water twice per week, making sure to shake the bottle before use and adjusting the pH to a range of 5.8 – 6.5 depending on your medium. For the best results, consult our Medi One feeding chart.

Settling the Debate

With the recent interest in organic supplements, GreenPlanet Nutrients Medi One is here to settle the contentious debate about the potential benefits of synthetic versus organic fertilizers. With all the control and availability of a synthetic fertilizer, Medi One is the only certified organic product on the market today that can deliver the quantity and quality you expect from an award-winning nutrient. And so, if you’ve ever thought of crossing into the world of organic farming, your chance is finally here with the help of Medi One.

Now is your chance to access Medi One’s rich and diverse compounds. For product information and purchasing inquiries, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team or your local garden supply store.

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What an OMRI Listed Product Can Do For Your Garden

Organic gardening is the process of enriching plants with naturally occurring materials, which at harvest time, arguably produce the cleanest and most unadulterated food and flower products available on the market. The practice of organic gardening, however, is not entirely about the production of clean and tasty crops – the roots of the trade foremost stem from philosophies that value the environment. Unlike the processes of commercial farming, where growers benefit from a variety of inorganic ingredients, like chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organic growing utilizes natural properties and elements to supplement plant health and stability. By facilitating plant growth through naturally occurring entities, the organic community can encourage tenets such as soil biodiversity and a decrease in waste and pollution, which, if cared for, can ultimately promote and maintain centres of flora and fauna diversification overtime.  

To maintain standards in the field of organic agriculture, organizations such as the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), help manage the industry of inert fertilizer production, ensuring the inputs to your garden are sustainable, ethically sourced, and otherwise meet the certification standards of OMRI listed products. 

What is OMRI?

OMRI is a non-governmental organization that manages the standards of inputs that go into producing certified organic gardening products. In addition, OMRI verifies the sources and procedures of production which go into the manufacturing process of fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, ensuring that the compounds which go into these products meet organic standards.

In order for a product to become an OMRI certified organic, the manufacturer must provide OMRI with data like an ingredients list, the manufacturing process, the formula of production and other necessary information to verify the product’s efficacy against organic standards. You can find OMRI certified products in all places of the industry, from soils and mediums to liquid and soluble fertilizers. To check for yourself if a fertilizer is ‘certified’ organic, consult OMRI’s most recent product list.

What an OMRI Listed Product Can Do For Your Garden

Although there are many benefits of using an organic method of gardening, there are some more specific advantages growers can expect when using an OMRI listed product in the garden.

A Consistent Product

As a consumer, purchasing a product with an OMRI stamp is one of the safest bets you can make in the production of an organic garden. Because of the measures taken by OMRI in the certification process, consumers can expect a product that will produce clean food and flower crops consistently. 

Quality Driven Ingredients

Organic gardening is all about quality. By picking an OMRI certified fertilizer over chemical, or uncertified supplements, you can ensure your garden will be cut above the rest at harvest time. Part of the process of OMRI certification is the payment of quality assurance testing by fertilizer manufacturers against organic standards; manufacturers pay the fee for OMRI testing whether or not their product gets a stamp of certification. As a result, the transparency OMRI provides, along with other foundations of material testing, evidently leads to the production of quality-driven organic products in the marketplace. 

Certified Organic Crop Production

Although OMRI tests specific organic inputs against standards in the production of crops, it does not certify food or flower products as organic in nature. To become a certified organic producer of crops, there are many other steps that gardeners must navigate. As a result, other institutions which act as food/fibre certifiers, look at many factors in the process of farm certification, for instance, where, how, and with what techniques crops are produced. However, if your potentially organic farm was using an OMRI label fertilizer in the production process, the decision to certify your garden as ‘organic’ would become much easier for certifiers.

Ready To Grow With An OMRI Listed Fertilizer?

Looking for a reliable OMRI listed product? Try our award-winning base nutrient Medi One. Medi One is the only certified organic product on the market today that can deliver the quantity and quality you expect from an award-winning nutrient. So, if you’ve ever thought of crossing over into the world of organic farming, your chance is finally here with the help of GreenPlanet.

To access the rich and diverse compounds of Medi One, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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