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Understanding the Feed Program: 2 Part Backcountry Blend Outdoor Feed program

Perhaps the simplest, yet most effective fertilizer on the market, the BackCountry Blend (BCB) feed program provides steady nutrition throughout periods of vegetative, flowering and ripening growth, all while being one of the most affordable nutrient systems available to growers today. Originally formulated for the outdoor and greenhouse garden, BCB has quickly become a favorite for new and experienced growers in a variety of systems with specialized growing practices and routines.

This isn’t our first in-depth look at BackCountry Blend – we’ve been covering the potential of BCB for years. Coming in three parts, Grow, Bloom and Boost, the BCB feed program is a granular, slow-release fertilizer that works for gardens of all sizes and for growers of any personality. From large, easy-going outdoor gardens, to small, meticulous indoor shows, BCB delivers the results you expect from GreenPlanet Nutrients – all at a fraction of the price. Below, we’ll take a deeper look at the parts of the BackCountry Blend, and learn everything you need to know about using the feed program

GreenPlanet Nutirents Backcountry Blend: Grow, Bloom, and Boost

What is a Feed Program? 

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. A liquid feed program, for example, usually contains several bottles and ranges in supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates, and a trichome enhancer. Granular or powder feed programs, being formulated with simplicity in mind, typically have half as many parts.

By combining growing, blooming, and quality-enhancing inputs into a feed program, growers can expect to produce heavy flowers and large, tasty fruits, harvest after harvest. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here. Or, read the blog below for more information on the BackCountry Blend feed program.

GreenPlanet’s Backcountry Blend (BCB) Feed Program

GreenPlanet’s BackCountry Blend feed program is a dry, granular, slow-release nutrient system. This means that unlike GreenPlanet’s liquid fertilizers, which are concentrated solutions that are measured and mixed with water before irrigation, BCB is applied directly to the top layer of soil or soilless mix. After amending BackCountry Blend, and during every irrigation cycle, BCB Grow, Bloom or Boost will slowly release a timed, but well-rounded blend of nutrients into the root zone.

That’s what makes BackCountry Blend so simple – just add the appropriate amount of granular fertilizer to your containers or garden beds and water thoroughly. With the time saved using BackCountry Blend, growers can focus on what matters most in the garden – the plants.

The Backcountry Blend Feed Program Contains:

Base Nutrients

Additive Nutrients


Parts of the Backcountry Blend Feed Program:

Backcountry Blend Grow contains a carefully selected blend of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) that are measured specifically for the vegetative stage. With an N-P-K ratio of 16-10-8, BCB Grow is an aggressive vegetative formula with high nitrogen and calcium content that promotes general health, excessive spurts of vertical growth and the production of broad, green leaves and foliage. 

Backcountry Blend Bloom: Base Nutrient

BackCountry Blend Bloom contains a full spectrum of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) that are measured specifically for the flowering stage. The Bloom formula of BCB includes higher levels of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) that plants require during the flowering stage. Phosphorus plays a key role in essential functions of the plant such as photosynthesis, transfer of energy, and nutrient movement through the plant. Potassium aids in the conversion of phosphorus into energy your plants can use and strengthens cell walls to support larger yields. 

Backcountry Blend Boost: Additive Nutrient

BackCountry Blend Boost is designed to be used in conjunction with BackCountry Blend Bloom during the flowering stage. Boost provides your outdoor plants with an extra dose of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca), as well as the addition of humic acid. Phosphorus and potassium are vital elements that aid in the development of flowers and the movement of nutrients through the plant. Calcium plays a major role in cell wall composition and also helps maintain chemical balances in the soil. And humic acids, as one of the most treasured, natural sources of nutrients, acts as catalyst for nutrient uptake, making hard-to-transport elements readily available. These added benefits improve overall yields, floral development, color, aroma and hardening in late flower. 

Using the Feed Program 

Like a recipe, growers that use feed programs will have the best results when the proper protocol is followed. Luckily, GreenPlanet Nutrients’ makes it easy for growers to follow the progress of their crop, week-by-week, simply by having access to one of five feed charts, and/or an online nutrient calculator. While using the BCB feed program, follow the weekly progress of your plants by referring to the GreenPlanet’s nutrient calculator, or, download the BCB feed chart below.

Features and Considerations  

Here are some features to consider about the BackCountry Blend feed program. First, GreenPlanet only recommends certain products and supplements for specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feeding program is split into two stages:  vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use. For example, BCB Grow is scheduled for the vegetative stage of growth, while BCB Bloom and Boost are charted for the flowering stage.

Our feed charts are split into two stages: vegetative and flowering.

Also, as a slow-release fertilizer, BCB is only recommended to be amended to your soil/soilless mix every 3-5 weeks. So, refer to the feed chart, measure, broadcast either Grow, Bloom or Boost over your medium, water as needed and wait; soon your plants will be bursting from their pots, broad-leaved and soaking up every available ray of light.

One final consideration: the GreenPlanet feed chart recommends feeding plants 0.5-1 tsp of BCB Grow, Bloom or Boost per vertical foot of plant material. But be conservative at first – a little bit of BackCountry Blend can go a long way, especially in warmer climates where gardeners will frequently water their crop.

It is important to note the various differences in climate that can change the way Backcountry Blend works in your garden.

5 Tips on Using Backcountry Blend 

There is no better program for the outdoor or greenhouse garden – the financial savings alone are enough to make every committed gardener switch to BackCountry Blend. Even though BCB is extremely easy-to-use, we’ve compiled a list below of simple, but important tips:

1. Keep your soil moist

Keep your soil moist at all times. Over-drying your medium while using BackCountry Blend may lead to minor leaf burns, although this is rare.

2. Top dress and work in

Top dress your plants and gently work BackCountry Blend into the top layer of the soil. 

3. Be precise

— If using irrigation or self-watering tools, amend the granular beads close to drip emitters and make sure contact with water is made.

4. Be conservative

Depending on the dietary requirements of your crop, your plants may require more or less BCB. Start small and gradually increase your dose overtime.

5. Use measuring tools

Depending on the dietary requirements of your crop, your plants may require more or less BCB. Start small and gradually increaseAvoid “free-handing” BackCountry Blend. Use measuring tools for the most accurate amendment.your dose overtime.

Want to learn more about BackCountry Blend? Contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. Or, read more of our blogs on BackCountry Blend.

For all other inquiries, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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5 Steps to Properly Flush Your Crop For Harvest

Flushing is an extremely important part of the cultivation process. Most indoor crops have a lifecycle of around three months – two weeks for propagation, another two for the vegetative stage, and eight weeks for the flowering period. During this time, growers enrich their crops with base nutrients, vitamin supplements, bloom boosters, and more, each week scaling up their feeding ratios to ensure their plants are absorbing a heavy dose of carefully crafted elements. Fortunately for plants, these feeding programs are packed full of essential elements that maximize potential yields. However, a heavy harvest isn’t the only thing to consider – cleanliness is also a major factor that determines the quality of a crop. If you’re new to cultivation, read the following passage for a complete understanding of how to properly flush your crop before harvest. 

What Is Flushing? 

Flushing, or a flush, is a term used to describe the action of rinsing a plant’s root zone with excess amounts of water. As mentioned above, growers enrich their crops with an array of nutrients in all stages of growth. These nutrients, which are essentially a combination of different micro and macroelements, tend to build up in the soil system over time. This accumulation of minerals happens not only in the root zone but also within the plant itself. While high levels of nutrients are needed to accelerate plant growth, the build-up of primary minerals such as nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in freshly dried flowers can often leave the product with a harsh, bitter taste and blackened, tar-like ash. To avoid this upset, growers will often flush their crops to wash out minerals that have built up in the root zone over time.

To avoid dried flowers issues, growers will often flush their crops to wash out minerals that have built up in the root zone over time.

How to Properly Flush Your Crop Before Harvest 

  1. Start to flush 10-14 days before harvest
  2. Flush your plants until run-off
  3. Test the run-off samples and log the data
  4. Use beneficial bacteria
  5. Monitor your crop

#1: Start to Flush 10-14 Days Before Harvest 

There’s an industry consensus that plants in soil/soilless substrates need at least a 10-14 day flush. So, time your harvest correctly, and make sure to cease the use of plant food approximately two weeks before your crop’s harvest date. Or, follow the recommendations on your established GreenPlanet feeding program. For growers not using a feeding program, this mark will likely be around the sixth week of flower. However, if you’re managing a strain with a longer flowering time, be sure to consult strain-specific growing guidelines to ensure your crop has an adequate flush without becoming over-ripe. 

Example of where the Flush Period is indicated on GreenPlanet Nutrient FeedPrograms.

#2: Flush Your Plants Until Run-Off

The best way to completely saturate your medium is to water your plants until run-off. Start by watering your plants with plain, neutral water (with a pH of 7.0) until roughly 20% of the water runs out of the bottom of your container. For example, if your start by watering your potted plants with 1 Litre of plain water, at least 200mL should run out of the bottom of your container. This action will guarantee the flush of built-up sediment and mineral salts. 

Start by watering your potted plants with 1 Litre of plain water.

#3: Test the Run-Off Samples and Log the Data

If you want to be sure you’re flushing correctly, simply collect the run-off and test the samples with a conductivity meter. Start by flushing your plants until 20% of the water runs out of the bottom of your container. Then, collect some of the water in a container and test the sample with a conductivity meter. Finally, log the data and repeat the process every time you flush your plants. The data will ideally indicate a rapid decrease in salt concentration over time, meaning your plants are slowly flushing concentrations of salt away from the root zone, and are therefore becoming cleaner in the process.

Definition: Electrical Conductivity (EC)
The relative strength or concentration of a solution, or its ability to conduct an electrical charge. Other measurement solutions include the Parts Per Million (PPM) scale and/or Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) estimations. 

How Does EC work?
Salt emits an electrical charge (electrolytes) when in a solution. By testing the conductivity of that charge, you can get a reading of the relative strength of the solution.
The data will ideally indicate a rapid decrease in salt concentration over time, meaning your plants are slowly flushing the built-up sediment and mineral salts.

#4: Use Benefical Bacteria

Using a source of beneficial bacteria during the flushing process can have amazing benefits. Adding bacteria to the root zone speeds up the breakdown of hard to dissolve minerals. And so, since you’re trying to rid your plants of excess nutrient salts during this stage, using a beneficial bacteria supplement can lighten the load and ultimately accelerate the process of nutrient and fluid uptake. 

If you’re looking for a tested microbial supplement, try GreenPlanet’s Root Builder. Formulated with two sources of bacteria, Bacillus Licheniformis and Bacillus Subtilis, Root Builder can quickly increase microbial activity in the root zone, allowing for increased uptake, yield, and trichome formation.

#5: Monitor Your Crop 

It’s completely normal for plants to undergo physiological changes during the flushing period. In fact, it’s positive that certain changes take place. Since your crop is nearing the end of its lifecycle, it’s common for growth rates to slow, and for new colours to emerge. Also, due to the lack of nutrition during this stage, it’s likely that old foliage will begin to yellow and die off. But don’t worry, this is a normal transition sometimes referred to as “autumning-off”, or the process of a crop expressing autumn colours during the flushing process. Overall, the changes above are a good sign that your plants are nearing maturity. 

Plants undergo physiological changes during the flushing period, and old foliage will begin to yellow and die off.

Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Why Growers Should Read the Guaranteed Analysis on Fertilizer

Plants absorb a wide variety of elements throughout their lifecycle. In total, there are 16 essential nutrients that plants need to maintain healthy patterns of growth. If you’re new to cultivation, choosing a nutrient product for your garden can be a challenging task. However, understanding the contents of fertilizer can help influence purchasing decisions. For example, inspecting the guaranteed analysis can be a great way to determine whether or not a nutrient product would be beneficial in your garden. Read the passages below to learn how to read the guaranteed analysis on fertilizer. But first, read the section below titled, “General Nutrient Considerations”, to learn about the elements that are required to keep plants happy and healthy. 

General Nutrient Considerations

Plants in any environment need a vast array of elements to maintain periods of vigorous growth. In total, there are 16 essential elements necessary for healthy and deficient-free plant growth. These elements are separated into three categories called, macro, secondary, and micronutrients, and are typically combined at an adequate rate within liquid, powdered, or granular nutrient supplements. However, growers must be aware of the combination of elements within fertilizers – inspecting the guaranteed analysis can assist in fine-tuning a cultivator’s approach to fertilization. 

What is a Guaranteed Analysis?

Law requires that fertilizer manufacturers display the contents of liquid, powder, and granular fertilizers on the back of containers in the guaranteed analysis section. This basic label describes the percentage of macro (primary), secondary, and micronutrients in each formula. So, if you’re interested in learning more about the importance of reading the guaranteed analysis, follow the sections below for more information.

Important Terms:

  • Micronutrients: Trace elements required in very small amounts. Includes iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), sodium (Na), cobalt (Co), silicon (Si), and nickel (Ni). 
  • Secondary Nutrients: Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). 
  • Macronutrients: Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Important elements needed in the highest concentrations. Listed as the three numbers on the front of fertilizer containers- also referred to as N-P-K.

Why Read the Guaranteed Analysis?

Growers can reference the guaranteed analysis on the back of fertilizer containers to fine-tune nutrient enrichment and safeguard against nutrient toxicity and deficiencies. More than that, cultivators can inspect the different types of elements used in nutrient formulas to ensure they meet specific standards of quality. 

Reading the Guaranteed Analysis Examples:

Example #1: Cover Your Bases 

Before purchasing fertilizer, cultivators can reference the guaranteed analysis to ensure their plants are getting the necessary macro, secondary, and micronutrients to maintain healthy patterns of growth. Follow the example below to learn how to cover your bases!

Reference the guaranteed analysis on the back of fertilizer to ensure your plants are getting the nutrients they need to remain healthy and happy. Take GreenPlanet’s 3-Part for example.

If we examine the guaranteed analysis on the back of GP3 Micro, Grow, and Bloom, we can evidence all the essential elements needed for aggressive vegetative and flowering growth. 

GP3 Micro, for instance, contains an aggressive amount of the primary macronutrient nitrogen (N), as well as a long list of trace elements like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and cobalt (Co). The nitrogen and micronutrient component of GP3 compliments the other two parts of the program beautifully. For example, GP3 Grow contains essential secondary nutrients such as magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S), while GP3 Bloom is packed with highly concentrated sources of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The combination of these products gives plants a wide variety of micro, secondary and macro elements to uptake during periods of growth and bloom. 

Click here to view GP3 Micro Guaranteed Analysis

Click here to view GP3 Grow Guaranteed Analysis

Click here to view GP3 Bloom Guaranteed Analysis

Example #2: Select Specific Elements

Growers might reference the back of fertilizer to select elements needed in specific stages of growth. Read the passages below to learn how reading the guaranteed analysis will help you pick and choose what nutrients your plants absorb.  

Growers might reference the back of fertilizer to select elements needed in specific stages of growth. Read the passages below to learn how reading the guaranteed analysis will help you pick and choose what nutrients your plants absorb.  

If your plants are experiencing a nutrient deficiency, the guaranteed analysis can be inspected for evidence of an element that might quickly remedy the issue. A calcium magnesium deficiency is a common problem in the garden.

Luckily, calcium and magnesium are major components in GreenPlanet’s Pro-Cal. So, if you happen to notice the development of a calcium or magnesium deficiency in your plants, growers can reference and incorporate Pro Cal into their feeding program to rid plants of nutrient deficiencies.

Click here to view Pro Cal Guaranteed Analysis

Example #3: Quality Controlled Ingredients

Not all ingredients are created equal. So, if you’re on the hunt for the best raw ingredients, reference the guaranteed analysis and read the “derived from” section. Read the passages below to learn more about the benefits of inspecting the source of elements in nutrient formulations. 

GreenPlanet formulates its nutrients with the cleanest raw ingredients. Let’s take Hydro Fuel Grow A&B as an example. At the bottom of the guaranteed analysis, you’ll notice a list titled “derived from”. While the guaranteed analysis describes the percentage of elements contained within the formulation, the “derived from” section describes the source of the element. This is important for a few reasons. First, some elements, like calcium, have different grades that range in quality and solubility. Calcium carbonate, for example, is generally regarded as a low-quality source of calcium because of its insoluble nature. Hydro Fuel contains no carbonates, bi-carbonates, unnaturally derivatives, or fillers. However, it’s always a good idea to quality assure the ingredients you’re feeding your plants by inspecting the guaranteed analysis. 

Click here to view Hydro Fuel Grow A Guaranteed Analysis

Click here to view Hydro Fuel Grow B Guaranteed Analysis

Second, some nutrient manufacturers, like GreenPlanet, include multiple sources of high-quality ingredients. For example, Hydro Fuel Grow (A) contains three unique sources of chelated iron (Iron EDTA, Iron EDDHA, Iron DTPA). Not all brands include multiple sources of chelated metals. So, before committing to a fertilizer, refer to the guaranteed analysis to quality assure the ingredients going into your garden.  

Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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What’s the Difference Between Our Base, Additive and Maintenance Products?

Whatever you grow, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the ideal nutrient system to support your crop. However, selecting a fertilizer can often be a difficult task. So, to help educate and encourage our clients, we’ve organized our catalogue of products into three sections: base nutrients, additives, and maintenance products. To learn more about the products offered at GreenPlanet Nutrients, read the following passages below. 

The Difference Between Base, Additive, and Maintenance Products 

Base Nutrients

A base nutrient, or a base nutrient system, can be described as a crop’s main source of plant food. Furthermore, an adequate base nutrient program will likely contain a well-rounded list of macro and micro-elements, be highly concentrated, and provide your plants with essential minerals throughout periods of growth and bloom.

Additive Nutrients

An additive nutrient can be described as any plant food product that seeks to enhance natural patterns of development. And unlike base nutrients, which are designed to maintain healthy patterns of growth and bloom, additive nutrients aim to promote specific actions, whether it be the development of large, dense flowers, trichome production, root growth, or rapid cell expansion.

Maintenance Products

Unlike base and additive supplements, some of our products specialize in maintaining or preserving a particular area in a plant’s life cycle. So, while not directly considered a fertilizer, maintenance products help support specific actions such as pH stability, plant health, and general performance in the garden

More About Base Nutrients

Why are base nutrients important? Like us, plants are only able to digest certain elements throughout their lifecycle. So, a base nutrient could be described as any liquid or powdered plant food which contains most of, or all of the essential elements for plant health and stability. Although base nutrient systems vary in many ways, most notable in price, brand, and in the number of “parts”, an adequate base nutrient program will contain a well-rounded list of macro and micro-elements, be highly concentrated, and provide your plants with essential minerals throughout periods of growth and bloom.

More About Additive Nutrients 

What are additives? Unlike base nutrients, additive nutrients are supplements that aim to promote specific actions and outcomes. There are a wide variety of additive nutrients available on the market. For example, GreenPlanet Nutrients manufacturers 16 nutrient additives, ranging from beneficial bacteria inoculants, bloom boosters, and carbohydrates supplements. While all these supplements have different desired actions and outcomes, they all aim to enhance the natural growth patterns of plants.

Base nutrient supplements can be seen as your plant’s source of “meat and potatoes”, essential elements necessary for growing healthy crops. Additives on the other hand, if we stick with food analogies, can be described as a plant’s “dessert”, something that is not essential for survival, but if supplemented appropriately, can ultimately enhance the potential for size, flavour and appeal during flower.

Enhance Your Crop with Flowering Supplements and Additives

More About Maintenance Products

Why use maintenance products? Maintenance products are specialized products that assist in the general upkeep of the garden. Designed to be used periodically with base nutrients and additives, maintenance products support specific actions that aim to promote and optimize crop production and plant health. Some maintenance products such as pH Up and pH Down are essential for maintaining stabilized plant growth and are recommended for buffering nutrients during every irrigation cycle. 

Combining Base Nutrients and Additives in a Feed Program 

GreenPlanet offers growers four distinct liquid feed programs: the 1-Part Medi-One, the 2-Part Dual Fuel, 3-Part GP3, and the 4-Part Hydro Fuel. But what feed program is right for you? Read the passages below for more information on the feed programs available at GreenPlanet. Or, click the button below for advice on choosing your ideal nutrient system. 

1-Part Medi One Feed Program 

A complete, organic feed program formulated for the medical grower. 

Medi One is a balanced blend of organic ingredients that encourages vigorous growth in the vegetative stage and resinous aromatic flora production in the flowering stage. Medi One is also OMRI listed. This means that the ingredients that go into producing Medi One are backed against industry standards for organic fertilizer production. 

Feed Program Contains: 

2-Part Dual Fuel Feed Program  

A simple and highly concentrated feed program designed to save growers time and money.

Whether you’re a novice cultivator with your first grow tent or a master grower producing on a commercial scale, our 2-part Dual Fuel Feed Program gives you the ability to fine-tune your garden to ensure you get bigger and better yields! Simple and easy to use so you can scale up or down without the headache.

Feed Program Contains:

3-Part GP3 Feed Program

Formulated for the veteran grower, GP3 offers increased flexibility, control, and reliability. 

GP3 is the OG of 3-part feed programs. It’s the 3 part base nutrient system that has been tried and tested by seasoned growers throughout the years. If you want a product backed by veteran growers, then this is the feed program for you.

Feed Program Contains: 

4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program

The classic and easy-to-use formula for the traditional hydroponic garden.

The 4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program gives growers extreme control over both vegetative and flowering growth with two specific formulas for each stage of production. The base nutrient component comes in four parts: A&B Grow and A&B Bloom

Feed Program Contains: 

Your green-thumbed adventure starts here! To access the programs and products in this blog, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Understanding the Feed Program: Hydro Fuel

GreenPlanet Nutrients makes four different and distinct feed programs. Made for the medicinal gardener, the 1-Part Medi-One feed program is an organic system that offers plants a wide variety of bio-available elements. The 2-Part Dual Fuel program is GreenPlanet’s simplest and most concentrated formula. The 3-Part program, GP3, was designed to be intricate and balanced, made for the seasoned grower with an established routine. The 4-Part Hydro Fuel system is GreenPlanet’s final feeding program. Coming in four parts, the base nutrient component of Hydro Fuel is made for the easy-going traditional grower – someone who wants the complexity of a multipart feed program, but with none of the effort. If you’re thinking about purchasing GreenPlanet’s Hydro Fuel feed program, read the following passages for more information. 

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates, and a trichome enhancer. By combining these inputs into a feeding program, growers can expect to produce the most quality-driven harvest possible. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here. Or, read the blog below for advice on choosing a GreenPlanet feed program.

GreenPlanet’s 4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program

GreenPlanet’s 4-Part Hydro Fuel base nutrient system gives growers extreme control over both vegetative and flowering growth with two specific and balanced formulas for each stage of production. The base nutrient component comes in four parts, A&B Grow and A&B Bloom, two formulas for each stage of growth. But don’t let the excess of nutrients fool you into thinking Hydro Fuel is complicated – GreenPlanet’s 4-Part feed program is one of the simplest, yet most effective nutrient systems on the market. Here’s more information on each part of the Hydro Fuel feed program: 

Base Nutrients

Additive Nutrients

Click to see the products that make up the 4 Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program

Using the Feed Program

Like a recipe, the Hydro Fuel feeding program has the best results when the formula is followed. A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation. So, throughout the weeks of vegetative and flowering growth, the Hydro Fuel feeding program will guide the grower through different stages of a plant’s life. It will also offer general feeding ratios, doses, and helpfully supplementation tips. All the measurements of plant food on GreenPlanet’s feeding programs are described in milliliters of fertilizers per liter of water.

Features and Considerations

Here are some features to consider about the Hydro Fuel feed program. First, GreenPlanet only recommends certain products and supplements for specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feeding program is split into two stages: vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use. For instance, you’ll notice that products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of the flowering stage.

Products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower

Also, Hydro Fuel is fed in equal ratios throughout vegetative and flowering stages and growth. So, no matter the stage of growth, you can expect to add equal amounts of Hydro Fuel A&B. This makes mixing Hydro Fuel a breeze. Also, mixing a 1:1 ratio fertilizer means that growers need only buy equal amounts of Hydro Fuel A&B. When used correctly, both parts of Hydro Fuel will run out at the same time. This feature of the 4-Part feed program saves growers time, money, and waste. 

Tips on Using Hydro Fuel

Another aspect of the Hydro Fuel feed program to examine is the rise and gradual plateau of the recommended Parts Per Million (PPM) of your nutrient solution. PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration and strength of a nutrient solution.

PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution.

While following the Hydro Fuel feeding program, you’ll notice that the PPM of you’re nutrient solution will gradually increase as you move into the flowering stage, finally plateauing in weeks 2 – 6, followed by a gradual decrease in strength as you move towards the final weeks of flush. These general measurements are based on the assumption that as time progresses, your plants will become larger, and therefore be able to digest a more concentrated nutrient solution. However, these nutrient levels generally plateau and decrease as plants ripen and move towards the flushing stage. For a more in-depth understanding of PPM and plant nutrition, refer to the blog titled: Understanding Plant Nutrition And Factors That Influence Availability.

Want to learn more about Hydro Fuel? Contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. Or, read the blog titled: Everything You Need to Know About GreenPlanet’s Hydro Fuel.

Works Cited

  • Russo, E. (2019). The case for the entourage effect and conventional breeding of clinical cannabis: No “strain,” no gain. Frontiers in Plant Science. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from US National Library of Medicine.
  • Stirk, W. A., & Van Staden, J. (2014). Chapter five – Plant growth regulators in seaweeds: Occurrence, regulation and functions. Advances in Botanical Research, 125–159. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from ScienceDirect

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How to Choose a GreenPlanet Liquid Feed Program

GreenPlanet offers growers four distinct liquid feed programs: the 1-Part Medi-One, the 2-Part Dual Fuel, the 3-Part GP3, and the 4-Part Hydro Fuel. But what feed program is right for you? Answering this question depends on a few simple yet essential considerations, including gardening practices, previous experience, and cultivation system of choice. For instance, if you’re an organic farmer, the only suitable GreenPlanet feeding system would be the 1-Part Medi-One program. This nutrient program offers growers readily available organic elements for indoor and outdoor operations. While cultivating practices are perhaps the most important determinant when choosing a nutrient program, many factors go into selecting the ideal feeding system. If you want to learn what GreenPlanet feed program would suit your garden, read the following passages for more information. 

Click here to browse a complete list of GPN liquid feed programs

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements, including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates, and a trichome enhancer. By combining the inputs in a feeding program, prompted by other factors that produce a confident yield, growers can expect their garden to make the most quality-driven harvest possible.

Using the above 1 Part Medi One Feed program as an example to indicate what a complete feeding program should contain:

3 Questions to Consider Before Choosing a Liquid Feed Program 

1. Do You Want to Grow Organic Crops?

This question refers to the example above – if you’re interested in growing organic crops, consider only selecting fertilizers made with organic elements. High-quality fertilizers are typically divided into two categories: synthetic and organic. Synthetic or mineral-based fertilizers are formulated from direct sources of bioavailable elements. However, organic fertilizers are formulated from naturally sourced compounds that become available to the plant once broken down in the root zone. In short, synthetic fertilizers feed the plant, while organic fertilizers feed the soil. This consideration will drastically impact the fertilizer available to growers, as only select feed programs, like GreenPlanet’s 1-Part Medi-One, are specifically formulated with organic elements.

Tip: Look for the OMRI logo on organic fertilizers. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) reviews the manufacturing processes of all organic fertilizers against industry standards of production and ensures that all organic products meet necessary quality levels. 

2. What System or Medium Are You Using?

This question refers to your method of growing. Some fertilizers aren’t suitable for use in specific systems. So, base your fertilizer of choice on your method of growing. Organic fertilizers, for example, can be made from extremely thick, viscous materials like fish hydrolysate, while synthetic fertilizers are usually formulated with highly concentrated amounts of soluble minerals. In short, some fertilizers are designed for use in specific systems. If you’re unsure whether or not a specific fertilizer would be suitable for use in your garden, ask a GreenPlanet sales representative or refer to the “medium approved” icons available on our fertilizer containers and feed charts. 

On the back of each GreenPlanet Nutrient product, you’ll be able to find the For Use Icons for approved medium use

For Use In Icons (Medium Approved Icon List)

3. How Much Experience Do You Have?

There’s no shame in being a new grower. But if you’re new, you must question your experience with plant food. Some fertilizers are more complicated than others. Complex fertilizers, like our GP3 program, come in multiple “parts” and need to be buffered, balanced, and measured in varying ratios over time. Even for the most talented growers, these complex feeding programs can be complicated to manage. All parts of a base nutrient program are made up of similar elements. The only difference between them is the mixing method and ratios during irrigation. So, it’s a good idea to question your capabilities as a gardener and how hard you’re willing to work before selecting a fertilizer. 

Choose a GreenPlanet Liquid Feed Program

After considering the questions above, it’s time to determine which GreenPlanet Nutrients feed program is right for you. GreenPlanet offers growers six liquid feed programs:

Below, we’ll discuss the major differences between these nutrient systems and determine which program would work best for your garden. 

1-Part Medi-One Feed Program 

Simple and Organic – Perfect for Medical Gardeners

If you’re looking for a well-rounded, organic feed program, look no further. GreenPlanet’s Medi-One feed program is an OMRI-listed, one-part, organic base nutrient plus additives. The base nutrient component of the 1-Part program, Medi-One, is composed of multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed freshwater fish, sea kelp, and naturally sourced potassium sulphate. Medi-One also boasts an impressive yet balanced N-P-K ratio of 4-3-3; and, because of the slow steaming of inert ingredients during the manufacturing process, Medi-One is an overflowing reservoir of essential micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese, and zinc.

Other supplements like Ocean Magic, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin are included in the 1-Part Medi-One Feed Program. Ocean Magic is a vegetative additive and is a natural source of plant hormones that increase root development, vertical growth, and horizontal branching. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 1-Part program also includes Rezin, a trichome-enhancing product that can increase the expression of resinous trichome heads. 

2-Part Dual Fuel Feed Program 

Concentrated and Effective – Great For Small and Large Scale Operators Alike


Boasting an aggressive NPK ratio, high concentration rates, and a stable pH range, the Dual Fuel program is unmatched by competitors in terms of content, value, and reliability. GreenPlanet’s Dual Fuel Feed program is the perfect choice for growers who want to produce a clean harvest free of headaches, mishaps, and challenges. The base nutrient component of Dual Fuel is divided into two parts: Dual Fuel 1 & Dual Fuel 2. Dual Fuel 1 is the nitrogen (N) and micronutrient-heavy component of GreenPlanet’s 2-part system, while Dual Fuel 2 complements the feeding program by being packed full of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

Along with Dual Fuel 1 & 2, GreenPlanet’s 2-Part program is sold alongside premier additives like Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, designed to discourage stress and promote early root growth. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 2-Part Dual Fuel program includes Rezin, GreenPlanet’s aroma and flavour enhancer. 

3-Part GP3 Feed Program 

Intricate and Balanced – Made For the Expert Grower

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part GP3 feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and several additives that enhance vegetative and blooming growth. The base nutrient component consists of Grow, Micro and Bloom. Made for the expert grower, GP3 offers plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, GP3 is fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making it the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best.

Along with GP3 Grow, Micro, and Bloom, GreenPlanet’s 3-Part program is sold alongside premier additives like Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, designed to discourage stress and promote early root growth. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 3-Part GP3 program includes Rezin, GreenPlanet’s aroma and flavour enhancer. 

4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program 

Classic and Easy to Use – Designed for the Easy-Going, Traditional Garden 

The 4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program gives growers extreme control over both vegetative and flowering growth with two specific and balanced formulas for each production stage. The base nutrient component comes in four parts, A&B Grow and A&B Bloom, two formulas for each growth stage. But don’t let the excess of nutrients fool you into thinking Hydro Fuel is complicated – GreenPlanet’s 4-Part feed program is one of the simplest yet most effective nutrient systems on the market. For example, each Hydro Fuel pair is mixed in equal ratios. This makes the 4-Part program extremely easy to master and maintain. 

The 4-Part Hydro Fuel Feed Program is sold with products including Vitathrive, Massive, Liquid Weight, and Rezin. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, designed to discourage stress and promote early root growth. Massive is our premier flowering additive, while Liquid Weight is a simple and clean source of soluble carbohydrates. The 4-Part Hydro Fuel program includes Rezin, GreenPlanet’s aroma and flavour enhancer. 

AutoPot Watering Systems Feed Program 

Stable and Extremely Water-Soluble – Made for the AutoPot Watering System

Easy-to-use grow systems demand an easy-to-use feed program to match. That’s why we worked closely with AutoPot to formulate 2 new feed programs based on our original Dual Fuel and GP3 Liquid Feed Programs. To grow successfully with AutoPot, you need a nutrient program that is highly water-soluble and has clean ingredients. Without it, you run the risk of clogged AquaValves and feed lines from excess build-up. Nobody wants to perform emergency grow system maintenance in the middle of their cycle due to their choice of nutrients. The 2 Part AutoPot Dual Fuel Feed Program and 3 Part AutoPot GP3 Feed Program give AutoPot growers peace of mind with clean, simple, and high-quality sources of plant nutrition.

Swipe the image to see either the 2-Part or 3-Part Autpot Feed Programs.

The Dual Fuel and GP3 AutoPot feed programs are sold with their respective base nutrient and additives, including PK Spike, Vitathrive, and Rezin. Made to be highly stable and water-soluble, PK Spike is the designated bloom booster in the AutoPot feed program. Vitathrive is our plant vitamin supplement, while Rezin is formulated to increase trichome and essential oil production.

Jason Ralph-Smith, Managing Director at AutoPot Global, put Dual Fuel to the test at the AutoPot Facility.

Whatever your style of garden, chances are, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect base nutrient program. To access the programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Understanding the Feed Program: GP3

Feed programs are like recipes. They combine the best base nutrient formulas with supplements that enhance the natural growth patterns of plants. Whether you’re new to gardening or have been growing for decades, experts agree that committing to a program that promises to produce a heavy, quality-driven harvest, is a good place to start.  In hopes of guiding gardeners to possibly the most quality-focused feeding program on the market, the following passages will dive deeper into GreenPlanet’s 3-Part (GP3) feed program.

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates, and a trichome enhancer. By combining these inputs into a feeding program, prompted with other factors which produce a confident yield, growers can expect to produce the most quality-driven harvest possible. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here. 

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part Feed Program

GreenPlanet’s 3-Part (GP3) feed program consists of a three-part base nutrient system and several additives that enhance both vegetative and blooming growth. Made for the expert grower, GP3 offers plants everything they need in 3 bottles. From essential micronutrients like copper, boron, and zinc, to balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, GP3 is fed to plants in varying ratios throughout stages of propagation, growth, and bloom, making them the perfect stack of fertilizer for growers who want nothing but the best. Specialty additives like plant tonics, bloom boosters, resin enhancers, and carbohydrate supplements are also included in all of GreenPlanet’s feed programs. Before committing to the GP3 feed program, consult the passages below for a description of each product included in the bundle.

Base Nutrients

Additive Nutrients

Click to see the products that make up the GP3 3 Part Feed Program

GP3 Micro – Base Nutrient

GP3 Micro is the component of the GP3 nutrient system that provides your plants with the essential and supplemental micronutrients they need in the grow and bloom stages of growth. Formulated with micronutrients like calcium, boron, cobalt, copper, manganese, iron, molybdenum, and zinc, GP3 ensures a complete and well-rounded array of elements that dispel all notions of future nutrient deficiencies. 

GP3 Grow – Base Nutrient

GP3 Grow provides your plants with the optimal nutrients they require throughout the vegetative stage of growth. This stage is when your plants develop leafy green foliage and a strong root system that will be able to support flowering sites during the bloom stage. Added heavily during the aggressive vegetative stage, GP3 Grow is loaded with nutrients like potassium that help facilitate and encourage vertical growth and root mass expansion. 

GP3 Bloom – Base Nutrient

GP3 Bloom is a component of the GP3 nutrient system that provides your plants with the essential nutrients they need throughout the flowering stage of growth. This stage is when your plants start to fruit and produce flowers until it is time for harvest. GP3 Bloom is loaded with phosphorous and potassium, two elements that are essential during the flowering stage. Used more heavily than any portion of GreenPlanet’s 3-Part program, GP3 Bloom is the primary nutrient responsible for the establishment and expression of tight, fully-developed flowers. 

Vitathrive – Additive Nutrient

Vitathrive is GreenPlanet’s vitamin supplement. Use Vitathrive aggressively throughout the vegetative stage, on transplant day, and during any periods of stress to increase root growth, reduce internal stress, and strengthen any plant’s immune response. The main supplementary component of Vitathrive, Thiamine or vitamin B1, has been shown in old and recent research to be a factor in a plant’s diet that reduces fungal disease and plant stress (Subki et al, 2018, p. 37).

Massive Bloom Formulation – Additive Nutrient

Massive Bloom Formulation is GreenPlanet’s premier flowering additive, formulated with all of the necessary macro and microelements required to achieve an increase in flower size. As well as providing several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates, Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with the select and aggressive GP3 base nutrient system.

Rezin – Additive Nutrient

Entourage Effect: The theory that the synergistic effect of THC, flavonoids, cannabinoids, and terpenes all contribute to the overall “experience” of cannabis consumption. 

Rezin is GreenPlanet’s flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavor and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden. 

Liquid Weight – Additive Nutrient

Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that increase the amount of beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to the exaggerated absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend an amazing amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your root zone. For more information on the benefits of sugars in the garden, read our blog: The Power of Carbohydrates in the Garden. 

Using the Feed Program 

Like a recipe, the GP3 feeding program has the best results when the formula is followed. As explained above, a feeding program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation, and use over time. Throughout the weeks of vegetative and flowering growth, the GP3 feeding program will guide the grower through different stages of a plant’s life, and offer general feeding ratios, doses, and helpfully supplementation tips. All the measurements of plant food on GreenPlanet’s feeding programs are described in milliliters of fertilizers per liter of water.

Features and Considerations  

At a glance, you’ll notice a few distinguishing features about the GP3 feeding program: first, only certain products and supplements are recommended for use in specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feeding program is split into two stages: vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use; for instance, you’ll notice that products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower, once plants have established pistils and bud sites. 

Products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower

Also, GP3 is fed in varying rations throughout vegetative and flowering stages and growth. This means that some nutrients, like GP3 Bloom, are fed far more than GP3 Micro or Grow during the flowering stage. And, since the flowering stage is much longer than the average vegetative period, growers can expect to use almost twice as much GP3 Bloom during the entirety of a crop. So, be aware that if you’re growing a crop at scale, you may need to invest in twice as much GP3 Bloom as compared to the rest of the GP3 base nutrient system (GP3 Micro/Grow). 

Feeding Considerations 

Another aspect of the GP3 feed program to examine is the rise and gradual plateau of the recommended Parts Per Million (PPM) of your nutrient solution. PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution. In this case, since we are examining fertilizer, PPM can be seen as a measurement that determines the strength and concentration of dissolved elements within a nutrient solution. 

PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution.

While following the GP3 feeding program, you’ll notice that the PPM of you’re nutrient solution will gradually increase as you move into the flowering stage, finally plateauing in weeks 2 – 6, followed by a gradual decrease in strength as you move towards the final weeks of flush. These general measurements are based on the assumption that as time progresses, your plants will become larger, and therefore be able to digest a more concentrated nutrient solution. However, these nutrient levels generally plateau and decrease as plants ripen and move towards the flushing stage. For a more in-depth understanding of PPM and plant nutrition, refer to the blog titled: What are Base Nutrients?

Works Cited

  • Russo, E. (2019). The case for the entourage effect and conventional breeding of clinical cannabis: No “strain,” no gain. Frontiers in Plant Science. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from US National Library of Medicine.
  • Subki, A. (2018). The role of thiamine in plants and current perspectives in crop improvement. B Group Vitamins – Current Uses and Perspective. Retrieved, January 14th, 2020 from 

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Understanding the Feed Program: Dual Fuel

Meet GreenPlanet Nutrient’s Dual Fuel feed program – the 2-part nutrient system which emphasizes simplicity, reliability and results in the garden. Built for beginners, experts, hobbyists, and commercial growers, the Dual Fuel feeding system makes no apologies for being the easiest and most economical fertilizer on the market. Testing has shown that using Dual Fuel alone would reasonable ensure a successful harvest; however, by combining GreenPlanet’s aggressive 2-part formula with other additives like Vitathrive, Massive Bloom Formulation, Rezin, and Liquid Weight, a confident outcome is not only probably, but guaranteed. For tips on getting the most out of the Dual Fuel feed program, follow the passages below. 

What is a Feed Program? 

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation and use overtime. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates and a trichome enhancer. By combining the inputs in a feeding program, prompted with other factors that produce a confident yield, growers can expect their garden to produce the most quality-driven harvest possible. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here. 

The 2 Part Dual Fuel Feed Program

The Dual Fuel program was designed for growers who want to get the most out of their garden. As the largest and most highly variable input in the garden, fertilizer is something that is constantly being purchased, tinkered with, and improved upon. However, with GreenPlanet’s Dual Fuel program, the tinkering can stop and the rewards can begin. Possibly the easiest and most economical way to garden, the Dual Fuel program is one that can be mastered by even the most inexperienced grower.

Boasting an aggressive NPK ratio, high concentration rates, and a stable pH range, the Dual Fuel program is unmatched by competitors in terms of content, value and reliability. Dual Fuel is the perfect choice for growers who want to produce a clean harvest, free of headaches, mishaps and challenges. However, before committing your garden to GreenPlanet’s 2-part program, consult a description of each supplement included in the kit below:

Dual Fuel 1: Base Nutrient

Dual Fuel 1 is the nitrogen (N) heavy component of GreenPlanet’s 2-part system. Loaded with other important micronutrients like calcium, copper, iron and zinc, Dual Fuel 1 will be your plant’s centre of essential elements that promote green growth, broad leaves and manage nutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, after mixing Dual Fuel 1 & 2 together in the right ratios, the pH of your nutrient solution will adjust to a range of 6.0 – 6.3.

Dual Fuel 2: Base Nutrient

Unlike Dual Fuel 1, Dual Fuel 2 compliments the feeding program by being phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) heavy. Not only does the other half of the 2-part program supply plants with a powerful kick of (P) and (K), but it also contains important elements like magnesium and sulphur. Arguably the simplest and most reliable formula on the market, Dual Fuel 1 & 2 are recommended to be used in a 1:1 ratio throughout a plant’s lifecycle. 

Vitathrive Propagation Solution: Additive Nutrient

Vitathrive is GreenPlanet’s specially formulated vitamin supplement. Use Vitathrive aggressively throughout the vegetative stage, on transplant day, and during any period of stress to increase root growth, reduce internal stress and strengthen any plant’s immune response. The main supplementary component of Vitathrive, Thiamine or vitamin B1, has been shown to be a major inhibitor of plant resilience and helps protect your crop from stressors like pests, disease, high temperatures and drought. (Subki et al, 2018, p. 37). 

Massive Bloom Formulation: Additive Nutrient

Massive Bloom Formulation is GreenPlanet’s premier flowering additive, formulated with all of the necessary macro and micro-elements required to achieve an increase in flower size. As well as providing several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates, Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with the aggressive elements in the Dual Fuel program.

Rezin: Additive Nutrient

Rezin is GreenPlanet’s flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavour and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden. 

Entourage Effect: The theory that the synergistic effect of THC, flavonoids, cannabinoids and terpenes all contribute to the overall “experience” of cannabis consumption. 

Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient

Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that support beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend an amazing amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root-zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your living medium.

Using the Feed Program 

Like a recipe, the Dual Fuel feeding program has the best results when the formula is followed. As explained above, a feeding program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation and use overtime. Throughout the weeks of vegetative and flowering growth, the Dual Fuel feeding program will guide the grower through different stages of a plant’s life, and offer general feeding ratios, doses and helpfully supplementation tips overtime. All the measurements of plant food on GreenPlanet’s feeding programs are described in millilitres of fertilizers per litre of water.

Features and Considerations  

At a glance, you’ll notice a few distinguishing features about the Dual Fuel feeding program: first, only certain products and supplements are recommended for use in specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feeding program is split into two stages: vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use; for instance, you’ll notice that products that inhibit certain outcomes are only used in specific weeks of the growing cycle. Vitathrive, for example, is only recommended for use during the vegetative stage, and flowering weeks 3 – 7, taking into account that the plant’s internodal stretching may be enhanced by supplementing increased amounts of vitamin B1. In short, with all the product testing that has gone into formulating the Dual Fuel feed program, the best thing you can do for your plants is to follow the prescribed method of use. 

Our feed charts are split into two stages: vegetative and flowering.

Another aspect of the feeding chart to examine is the rise and gradual plateau of the recommended Parts Per Million (PPM) of your nutrient solution. PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution; in this case, since we are examining fertilizer, PPM can be seen as a measurement that determines the strength and concentration of dissolved elements within a nutrient solution. While following the Dual Fuel feed program, you’ll notice that the PPM of you’re nutrient solution will gradually increase as you move into the flowering stage, finally plateauing in weeks 2 – 6, followed by a gradual decrease in strength as you move towards the final weeks of flush. These general measurements are based on the assumption that as time progresses, your plants will become larger, and therefore be able to digest a more concentrated nutrient solution.

As plants go from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage of growth, their nutrient requirements increase.

Want to get your plants started with the Dual Fuel feed program? Shop below!

For all other inquiries, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Works Cited

  • Russo, E. (2019). The case for the entourage effect and conventional breeding of clinical cannabis: No “strain,” no gain. Frontiers in Plant Science. Retrieved, January 14th from US National Library of Medicine.
  • Subki, A. (2018). The role of thiamine in plants and current perspectives in crop improvement. B Group Vitamins – Current Uses and Perspective. Retrieved, January 14th, 2020 from 

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Understanding the Feed Program: Medi One

Dedicating your garden to a complete and well-rounded feeding program is a great way to ensure that your harvest is a cut above the rest. Not only do feeding programs contain the essentials for plant health and nutrition, but they also include supplements that can elevate your product to levels of unforgettable quality. Whether you’re new to gardening or have been growing for decades, experts would agree that committing to a program that promises to produce a heavy, quality-driven harvest, is a good place to start. In hopes of guiding gardeners to possibly the most quality-focused feeding program on the market, the following passages will dive deeper into the organic feeding program of Medi One

What is a Feed Program?

A feed program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dose, ratio, supplementation and use overtime. Usually containing several bottles, a complete feeding program should contain supplements including a base nutrient fertilizer, a vitamin supplement, a bloom booster, a source of carbohydrates and a trichome enhancer. By combining the inputs in a feeding program, prompted with other factors that produce a confident yield, growers can expect their garden to produce the most quality driven harvest possible. To browse a complete list of feed programs available at GreenPlanet Nutrients, click here

The 1 Part Medi One Feed Program

Medi One is perhaps the easiest to use organic base nutrient on the market. Accompanied with a cornucopia of supplements like Ocean Magic, Vitathrive, Massive and Rezin, the 1 Part Medi One Feed Program is sure to impress. Perfect for indoor or outdoor soil/soilless gardens, Medi One is the choice pick for growers who want to produce a clean harvest, free of any harsh or insoluble chemicals. Before committing your garden to the Medi One Feed Program, consult a description of each supplement included in the schedule below. 

Medi One: Base Nutrient

Medi One is an OMRI-listed, one-part, organic base nutrient. Composed from multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed fish ingredients and naturally sourced potassium sulphate, Medi One boasts an impressive yet balanced N-P-K ratio of 4-3-3; and, because of the slow steaming of inert ingredients during the manufacturing process, Medi One is an overflowing reservoir of essential micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese and zinc. Additionally, unlike other organic fertilizers, which are usually manufactured and sold in powdered or soluble form, Medi One’s liquid form offers plants instant nutrient availability. 

Ocean Magic: Additive Nutrient

Ocean Magic is a vegetative and flowering additive derived from cold-pressed sea kelp that benefits your plants. The wealth of ingredients found in Ocean Magic supports several functional properties, such as rooting and reducing environmental and plant stress. Used as either a root-soak or foliar spray, Ocean Magic contains special plant hormones, including auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins, which have been linked to promoting vigorous growth, branching, and increased resistance to stress in plants (Stirk & Staden, 2014, p. 127). 

Massive Bloom Formulation: Additive Nutrient

Massive Bloom Formulation is our premier flowering additive formulated with all of the necessary macro and microelements to increase flower size. It also provides several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates. Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with Medi One’s living, organic qualities

Rezin: Additive Nutrient

Rezin is our flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavour and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden. 

Entourage Effect: The theory that the synergistic effect of THC, flavonoids, cannabinoids and terpenes all contribute to the overall “experience” of cannabis consumption. 

Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient

Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that support beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend a fantastic amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your living medium.  Want to know more about carbohydrate supplements? Read our blog: The Power of Carbohydrates in the Garden.

Using the Feed Program

Like a recipe, the Medi One Feed Program delivers the best results when the formula is followed. As explained above, a feeding program is a schedule of plant nutrition that can be mapped in terms of fertilizer dosage, ratio, supplementation and use over time. Throughout the weeks of vegetative and flowering growth, the Medi One Feed Program will guide the grower through different stages of a plant’s life and offer general feeding ratios, doses and helpful supplementation tips over time. All the measurements of plant food on our feeding programs are described in millilitres of fertilizers per litre of water.

Features and Considerations

At a glance, you’ll notice a few distinguishing features about the Medi One Feeding Program: first, only certain products and supplements are recommended for use in specific stages of plant growth. For example, the feed chart is split into two stages: vegetative and flowering growth. In these different stages, only certain supplements are recommended for use; for instance, you’ll notice that products that increase flower size, like Massive Bloom Formulation, are only introduced in the second week of flower, once plants have established pistils and bud sites. 

Our feed charts are split into two stages: vegetative and flowering.

Another aspect of the feeding chart to examine is the rise and gradual plateau of the recommended Parts Per Million (PPM) of your nutrient solution. PPM is a unit of measurement which describes the concentration of a solution. In this case, since we are examining fertilizer, PPM can be seen as a measurement that determines the strength and concentration of dissolved elements within a nutrient solution. While following the Medi One Feed Program, you’ll notice that the PPM of your nutrient solution will gradually increase as you move into the flowering stage, finally plateauing in weeks 2 – 6, followed by a gradual decrease in strength as you move towards the final weeks of the flushing period. These general measurements are based on the assumption that as time progresses, your plants will become larger and will, therefore, be able to digest a more concentrated nutrient solution.

As plants go from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage of growth, their nutrient requirements increase.

There’s no better time than now to start your garden off right with the help of the Medi One nutrient schedule. Want to learn more about Medi One? Read our previous blog: Medi One’s Role in an Organic Garden. For all other inquiries, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Works Cited:

  • Russo, E. (2019). The case for the entourage effect and conventional breeding of clinical cannabis: No “strain,” no gain. Frontiers in Plant Science. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from US National Library of Medicine.
  • Stirk, W. A., & Van Staden, J. (2014). Chapter five – Plant growth regulators in seaweeds: Occurrence, regulation and functions. Advances in Botanical Research, 125–159. Retrieved, December 10th, 2020 from ScienceDirect

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Understanding the Parts of GreenPlanet Nutrients Base Fertilizer Programs

Whether you garden in soil or hydroponics, choosing a plant food that fits your preferred method of growing can be as important as other factors that promote the maximum yield of a garden. For all of us looking for simpler and more effective tools in the garden, GreenPlanet Nutrients has introduced multiple base nutrient programs to fit any system and all levels of growing experience. From the organically derived Medi One to the classic and clean GP3, GreenPlanet Nutrients has all the bases covered when it comes to hassle-free gardening. 

What is The Part System? 

The “parts” of a GreenPlanet Nutrient system can be described as a set of nutrient enrichment programs that utilize different steps, quantities and qualities in the growing process. The different parts of a nutrient program can typically be broken down into the number of bottles growers would use in a base nutrient system. GreenPlanet Nutrients, for instance, has four available base nutrient programs, each system consisting of varying qualities and mixing procedures.

In simple terms, a part references the number of bottles that a particular base nutrient uses within a feed program. E.g 3 Part GP3 = 3 Base Nutrient Bottles

All of the parts of a base nutrient program are made up of similar elements, the only difference between them is the method of mixing and ratios during irrigation. For example, GreenPlanet Nutrient one part base nutrient program, Medi One, relies only on a single bottle to supply your garden with an array of macro and micronutrients throughout the vegetative and flowering cycles. While a more advanced formula, like GP3, uses three bottles to supply plants with the necessary essentials to promote health and steady growth.

1 Part Medi One – 2 Part Dual Fuel – 3 Part GP3 – 4 Part Hydro Fuel

Choosing the Right Feeding Program

Although GreenPlanet gives growers a variety of choices when it comes to fertilizer, each nutrient system provides consistent and reliable results at harvest time. So, there is no clear answer for gardeners when it comes to questions about the base nutrient program that will provide the best results. However, knowing that GreenPlanet Nutrients compiles all their nutrient programs with a complete and cohesive list of available elements, should provide consumers with peace of mind during the moments leading up to choosing a fertilizer for the garden. In short, there is no definite answer when it comes to choosing a fertilizer for the garden, as a more complicated feeding program will not necessarily provide a heavier or more quality-driven harvest. 

Choosing the right feed program doesn’t have to be rocket science and we show you why.

If there is anything at all to consider when choosing plant food, it’s your own preference as a gardener. For example, if you prefer a more laid back, easy-going approach, choose the system with the least amount of base nutrient bottles. If you happen to be interested in the scientific aspects of gardening, a more complicated feeding program with multiple bottles may be the right fit for you. Whatever kind of gardener you may be, and no matter your experience level, GreenPlanet Nutrients has the perfect feeding program to suit your needs. 

GreenPlanet Nutrients Feeding Programs

Here are the part feed programs available to you.

Additional Feed Program

With every feed program, we also offer a starter kit variation that comprises of 500ml bottles within that particular Feed Program.

One Part Nutrient System: Medi One

Medi One is GreenPlanet Nutrients certified organic one part that can be used as a foundation for plant growth and general health throughout a plant’s life cycle. Formulated from multiple organic sources, including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed fish ingredients, sea kelp, and naturally sourced potassium sulphate, Medi One boasts an impressively balanced NPK ratio of 4-3-3-and is quite possibly the easiest-to-use liquid organic nutrient on the market.

Two Part Nutrient System: Dual Fuel

GreenPlanet Nutrients Dual Fuel is perhaps the simplest and most concentrated base nutrient formula available to growers today. The Dual Fuel nutrient system is made of two parts, used in equal ratios, and can be added, among other additives, to enrich plants in soil, coco, and hydroponic systems throughout the plant’s life. Dual Fuel is extremely cost-effective and is arguably the best choice for beginners and large-scale cultivators alike. 

The Autopot Dual Fuel Feed Program has been tailored to work seamlessly with the AutoPot Watering Systems.

Three Part Nutrient System: GP3

For all of us who prefer traditions in life, GreenPlanet Nutrients offers growers the classically tested three-part program. Consisting of three bottles, GreenPlanet Nutrients GP3 Micro, GP3 Grow, and GP3 Bloom make up the industry’s standard nutrient system for successful growing. Made for the serious gardener, use GP3 in varying doses and ratios throughout the plant’s life for the best results.

The Autopot GP3 Feed Program has been tailored to work seamlessly with the AutoPot Watering Systems.

Four Part Nutrient System: Hydro Fuel

Combining the relaxed stability of the Dual Fuel program with all the clean and conscious meticulousness of GP3, GreenPlanet Nutrients Hydro Fuel blends the best of both worlds. Using Hydro Fuel Grow and Hydro Fuel Bloom in equal parts throughout the plant’s life cycle helps growers spend less time looking at the feeding chart and more time with their plants. But don’t let the simplicity of this system fool you; Hydro Fuel’s four-part system is as tested and traditional as the rest of GreenPlanet’s nutrient programs and can ultimately provide the results you expect from quality-driven plant nutrition. 

Got Questions? We’re Here to Help!

To access all the qualities of GreenPlanet Nutrients feed programs, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

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Go Beyond the Feed Program with GreenPlanet’s Root Builder, Plant Guard and PK Spike

Alongside GreenPlanet’s specially formulated feeding programs, there are many additives and supplements that are available to growers which have the potential to elevate your product to the next level. Whether you’re interested in rapidly expanding your plant’s root-zone, strengthening stems, branches and stalks, or, simply providing a highly soluble concentration of phosphorus and potassium throughout the flowering stage – GreenPlanet Nutrients has you covered. Here’s a look at three products from GreenPlanet that takes you and your garden beyond the feed program! 

Root Builder

GreenPlanet’s Root Builder is densely packed with two strains of extremely active beneficial bacteria: Bacillus Licheniformis and Bacillus Subtilis. Both of these microorganisms have different roles in the root-zone. For example, Bacillus Licheniformis is utilized quickly to break down soluble minerals and convert them to energy for the plant. While strains of Bacillus Subtilis mainly support a plant’s immune system by producing molecules called iturins, which target and eliminate sources of harmful bacteria. Without healthy probiotic supplements like Root Builder, stressful environmental conditions, inconsistent irrigation or a deficient feeding program, may produce a diseased root-zone incapable of supporting steady growth. To save on the stress of a stunted plant, invest in your root-zone today with GreenPlanet’s Root Builder!

Plant Guard

Plant Guard is GreenPlanet’s source of liquid Potassium Silicate, which supports plant growth and durability in all stages of development. Potassium Silicate is a valuable element that plants utilize at the cellular level to build-up defences against harmful pathogens, stress and extreme weather conditions. This resistance to stressors happens when the cell-walls of the plant harden due to the uptake of Silicate in the root-zone. The action of hardening typically results in the production of thicker stalks, branches and broader leaves in the vegetative state, and the ability to support larger, heavier flowers in the budding stage. 

PK Spike 

PK Spike is derived from several highly soluble sources of Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) and formulated to deliver high amounts of PK to flowering plants. This product is designed to encourage budding, and help facilitate the bulking and ripening of flowering plants. To hasten the pace at which your indoor plants produce buds, add PK Spike to your base nutrient solution the first two weeks of flower, and then again at the last two weeks before flush to increase the density, fullness and development of your flowers. 

Get your hands on these great products

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