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Why Vitathrive is Our Secret to Sprouting Seeds and Rooting Clones Faster

Do your plants need a boost? Try GreenPlanet Nutrients Vitathrive Propagation Solution! Formulated to provide rooting clones, sprouting seeds, and growing and flowering plants with a major dose of plant-enhancing properties, Vitathrive is a necessary component of any expert grower’s feed program. The most important component of Vitathrive, thiamine or vitamin B1, is a major determining factor in a plant’s metabolism. Not only do B1 vitamins promote and establish a plant’s metabolism, but there’s also evidence that thiamine plays an essential role in plant growth and protection from diseases and environmental stressors. It truly is the perfect plant tonic. If you want to learn more about the power of Vitathrive Propagation Solution, read the following article for additional information.

What is Vitathrive?

Vitathrive is our vitamin and mineral-based supplement. With an N-P-K of 0-0-1 and loaded with vitamin B1, Vitathrive is the perfect additive nutrient for young plants, rooting seedlings, or fresh-cut clones. Use Vitathrive aggressively throughout the vegetative stage, on transplant day, and during any periods of stress to increase root growth, reduce internal stress, and strengthen any plant’s immune response. Vitathrive is also hyper-concentrated. Apply Vitathrive at a rate of 1-2ml per litre (4-8 ml/gal) throughout the entire vegetative and flowering cycle. If your crop looks sad, stressed, or shrivelled, give it a helping hand with a dose of Vitathrive.  

Watch the YouTube Channel, Grow Your Four, use Vitathrive to establish newly cut clones.

The Role of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Defence and Protection

Supplemental vitamin B1 (thiamine) has been a central part of agricultural research since the 1930s. But even in recent years, the role of B vitamins has been cited as a major contributor to plant health. For example, in an article published in 2018, experts argue that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence linked to thiamine and plant protection (Subki et al, 2018, p. 37). More specifically, the study cited found that thiamine carried antioxidant properties. This means that plants high in thiamine were more likely to be resistant to stressors such as low oxygen levels, high and low temperatures, light stress, fungal diseases, and pests (Subki et al, 2018, para. 10).  

Nutrient Uptake and Root Expansion

Plants ingesting additional vitamin B1 have also been shown to have increased nutrient uptake and root expansion, allowing growers to feed their crops with less inorganic elements. This evidence comes from a research paper published in 2017 that looks at the effect of thiamine hydrochloride on the growth and nutrient uptake of mustard greens (Sajjad, 2017, p. 265). The aim of the experiment was to identify differences in growth patterns and habits of nutrient uptake in two strains of mustard greens.

Soak the seeds in water an a B vitamin formula for 15 minutes. This will speed up the sprouting process.

(Robinson, 2012, p. 43 of The Grower’s Hnadbook)

The conclusion of the study was as follows: seeds soaked in an aqueous solution of thiamine had significantly stimulated growth patterns compared to regularly germinated mustard greens (Sajjad, 2017, p. 275). Also, there was a correlation found between vitamin B1 and increased vegetative growth (Sajjad, 2017, p. 275). The study found that plants fed with a solution containing 0.03% thiamine exhibited an increase in natural plant hormones. This increase in hormones resulted in higher rates of photosynthesis, faster growth, and increased nutrient uptake (Sajjad, 2017, p. 275). 

When to Use Vitathrive

GreenPlanet recommends using Vitathrive propagation solution when germinating seeds, propagating clones, or, throughout the entire vegetative period and from weeks 3 – 7 of the flowering stage. During propagation, Vitathrive will enhance the performance and germination success of seedlings and clones. The excess of thiamine will protect young plants from fungal diseases like pythium and exaggerate nutrient uptake, while the kick of potassium (0-0-1) will encourage early root stimulation. 

Cannabis plant cutting in rockwool cube with roots.
Early root stimulation will ensure your cuttings are quickly established in their grow medium.

These benefits are extended into the vegetative and flowering periods. However, the added protection from external stressors such as resistance to high/low temperatures, drought, excess humidity, pests, and disease is magnified as your plant’s uptake vitamin B1. Remember, vitamin B1 cloaks your plant’s in a protective aura. So, if your environmental conditions are less than ideal, or if you’ve come across pests or pathogens, consider adding Vitathrive to your established feeding routine. 

There’s no better time than now to start your garden off right with the help of Vitathrive. For all other inquiries, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for product information and purchasing inquiries. 

Works Cited

  • Subki, A. (2018). The role of thiamine in plants and current perspectives in crop improvement. B Group Vitamins – Current Uses and Perspective. Retrieved November 1st, 2021 from 
  • Sajjad, A. (2017). Effects of thiamine hydrochloride on plant growth and nutrient uptake of mustard. Applied & Pure Bio. Retrieved November 1st, 2021 from

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What are trichomes and why do they result in high-quality cannabis?

When it comes to cannabis, experienced growers prefer quality over quantity. The truth is, growers today want to produce bigger trichomes, not flowers. Unlike its flowers, cannabis trichomes hold a wealth of psychoactive, medicinal, and therapeutic properties. The market’s changed; instead of gigantic, dull cannabis buds, growers are far more interested in producing tight flowers, covered with a dense layer of crystalized trichomes.

What are Trichomes?

Trichomes are small, dome-like glands that coat the leaves and buds of mature cannabis plants. They are resinous and oily, but also have a glass, or crystal-like appearance. Trichomes also have functional properties. For example, experts argue that trichomes can mitigate leaf and flower temperature, leading to a stronger plant that’s more resistant to bouts of extreme heat or cold (Wagner, 1991).

Also, the hair-like structure of resin glands leads professionals to believe that trichomes can act as a pest-deterrent and defence mechanism via their oily nature and the production of chemical compounds (Wagner, 1991). Fruits, vegetables, and flowers produce trichomes across the plant kingdom. However, specific glands in cannabis have been praised for their unique psychoactive and medicinal compounds.

Trichomes are small, dome-like glands found on the buds of mature cannabis plants.

Important Compounds Found in Cannabis Trichomes


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. While perhaps the most prevalent, THC is one of at least 113 cannabinoids found in marijuana plant tissue. THC forms heavily in the lipid glands of exposed plant matter like flowers and leaves as an evolutionary defence response to stress, pests, and environmental conditions. 

Molecular chemical structure of cannabinoid THC Tetrahydrocannabinol
THC is one of at least 113 cannabinoids found in marijuana plant tissue.

When taken, tetrahydrocannabinol is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the brain, attaching itself to the naturally-occurring endocannabinoid receptors located in the brain. This attachment can distort and affect perception, pleasure, thinking, coordination, and movement. In short, THC is the compound in cannabis responsible for making the user feel “high”. However, there are also medicinal and therapeutic uses for THC. For instance, THC has had success in treating pain, discomfort, and bladder overactivity for people with multiple sclerosis. 


Cannabidiol or CBD is another immensely important compound found abundantly in cannabis. Also a primary active ingredient in hemp, CBD has been championed widely for its therapeutic and medicinal benefits. And unlike THC, CBD does not cause a “high” when ingested. Potential medicinal benefits are as follows: insomnia relief, acute and chronic pain assistance, inflammation ease, depression support, and arthritis aid (Perez, 2021, para. 1). 

Molecular chemical structure of cannabinoid CBD Cannabidiol
CBD/Cannabidiol is the most well-known and abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid found within the cannabis plant. CBD has also been championed widely for its therapeutic and medicinal benefits.

CBD can be ingested in many forms, including oils, herbs, patches, capsules, lotions, sprays, and even bath bombs. Since CBD is a therapeutic compound without any psychoactive effects, individuals using or prescribed CBD may experience a more relaxed and regulated mood, reduced muscle pain, and low fatigue. 


Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), the precursor of THC, is also found in the resinous glands of cannabis plants. Unlike the smaller molecular compound THC, THCA’s chemical composition is too large to fit into the endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, making it a non-intoxicating active ingredient. In order for a cannabinoid compound to become intoxicating (like THC), the molecule must be small enough to attach itself to a type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1). The shape and size of the THCA molecule, however, is too large to make this CB1 to cannabinoid connection. 

Molecular chemical structure of cannabinoid THCA Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid
THCA’s chemical composition is a non-intoxicating active ingredient.

Remember, THCA is the precursor to the intoxicating compound THC. The chemical conversion comes from a simple process called decarboxylation, or the rapid application of heat and light. Heat removes the carboxylic acid group from THCA, altering the THC chemical structure. This makes it the perfect shape to fit into the endocannabinoid system. But like other compounds found in trichomes, THCA alone has amazing health benefits. For example, recent studies have shown that THCA can promote dietary and immune system recovery and function (Ruhaak, 2011). 


Cannabinol (CBN) comes from the breakdown of THC in mature cannabis plants. CBN isn’t as psychoactive as THC, but it can still produce a calming, therapeutic effect after consumption. Since CBN doesn’t necessarily produce a “high”, it’s often overlooked as an unimportant cannabinoid. However, there are several benefits of CBN being examined in recent studies. For instance, studies have shown that concentrations of CBN have antibacterial, neuroprotectant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Cannabinol also has a minor sedative effect, leading researchers to believe that future studies will yield further medicinal evidence for the use of CBN.

Molecular chemical structure of cannabinoid Cannabinol CBN
CBN, or Cannabinol, has antibacterial, neuroprotectant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

What’s most interesting about CBN is its interaction with other cannabinoids. Dr. Ethan Russo, a neurologist responsible for popularizing the “entourage effect”, says CBN itself isn’t a sedative (Rahn, 2020, para. 5). But when combined with other cannabinoids like THC and CBD, cannabinol can work synergistically to influence certain therapeutic effects.

Grow Trichomes – Not Flowers

Cannabis buds are valued on much more than size – strain, terpene concentration and cannabinoid content all play an essential role in determining the value of raw flower. But how do we grow trichomes? 

GreenPlanet product aficionado, Sonny, is here to give you all the info on Rezin.

Enhance Trichomes with Rezin

Bring fire to your crop with Rezin, our trichome, flavour, and aroma enhancer. Formulated with trace amounts of molybdenum and vitamin B1, Rezin can be used in both the flowering and flushing periods of growth to boost essential oil, trichome, and resin content.

Rezin contains no plant growth regulators (PGRs), artificial colouring, or dyes. And, since it contains only a trace amount of a single micronutrient, Rezin will not impact the EC/PPM of your nutrient solution. Rezin will help promote aromas and flavours to bring out the best qualities of your plants in both the late-stage and flushing period.

Rezin is the answer to ensure your flowers are covered in beautiful, frosty trichomes.

Remember, to enhance the smell and taste of cannabis, grow trichomes, not flowers! For more information on the products or information mentioned in this article, contact your GreenPlanet representative directly, or your local garden supply store. 

Works Cited 

  • Rahn, B. (2020). The entourage effect: How cannabis compounds may be working together. Retrieved December 1st, 2021 from Leafly
  • Ruhaak, L. (2011). Evaluation of the cyclooxygenase inhibiting effects of six major cannabinoids isolated from cannabis sativa. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. Retrieved December 1st, 2021 from J-Stage
  • Perez, L. (2021). 9 science-backed benefits of CDB oil. Retrieved December 1st, 2021 from Forbes Health 
  • Wagner, G.J. (1991) Secreting glandular trichomes: More than just hairs. Plant Physiology. Retrieved December 1st, 2021 from National Library of Medicine

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Maximize Your Yields With GreenPlanet’s Massive

GreenPlanet’s Massive encompasses everything about a quality-focused bloom formulation. Unlike other blooming additives, which typically contain nothing more than soluble mineral salts, Massive is specially blended with an array of elements like L-form amino acids, natural sugars, and a balance of micro and macronutrients specifically selected to assist budding plants with the production of large, healthy flowers.

Comprehensive Results

With scheduled use of Massive in the garden, growers can expect an increase in flower size, aromatics, essential oils, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, CO2 utilization, proper NPK ratios, cell expansion and content, cell wall thickness, floral components, and resistance to stressors. Furthermore, the components in Massive work aggressively to promote, as well as transport vital fluids and cell building materials to the flower sites. This creates truly impressive stacked flower clusters, full of aromatic essential oils.

Dosage and Directions 

Massive is recommended for use throughout the entirety of a plant’s blooming cycle prior to the last two weeks of harvest. At its required dose, Massive is an aggressive product, on average clocking in with a mixing rate of 20mL per gallon, or, 5mL per litre. At this rate, Massive can raise the PPM of a nutrient solution by approximately 300-400 points; so, be sure to adequately adjust the mixing rate of your additional supplements, base nutrients, and additives, to compensate for the boost in salt-content provided by Massive. 

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Bring the fire to your flower this harvest!

  • NO PGR’s



Rezin is our aroma and flavour enhancer that was developed to greatly increase the essential oil and resin production of flowering plants. It provides a readily available source of molybdenum (Mo) and vitamin B1 to aid with plant growth.


Rezin is our aroma and flavour enhancer that was developed to greatly increase the essential oil and resin production of flowering plants. It provides a readily available source of molybdenum (Mo) and vitamin B1 to aid with plant growth. Molybdenum is a crucial micronutrient for converting nitrates into valuable forms of nitrogen and amino acids. It also helps turn inorganic phosphorus into forms the plant can easily uptake. Vitamin B1 is significant for healthy root development and may reduce plant stress while supporting essential functions. These benefits may increase the essential oil and resin content to boost the effectiveness of the plant’s terpene profile, which is responsible for enhancing those desired aromas and flavours. An improved terpenoid profile will produce sticky, resinous, trichome covered flowers that are a sign of a high-quality crop. This means you will see a visual improvement on your flowers, better results when extracting, and enjoy a more complete aromatic and flavour profile. Our formula does not contain any plant growth regulators or artificial colouring and dyes to ensure a clean formula. It will also not impact the PPM/EC of your nutrient solution so you can continue to run your base nutrients at full strength. Rezin will push size, aromas, and flavours, to bring out the best qualities of your flowering plants.


Apply 2 ml/L (8 ml/Gal) during the last two weeks of the vegetative cycle to prime the plant for bloom. Continue to apply at 2 ml/L (8 ml/Gal) through bloom until harvest.

Try Rezin in one of our feed programs

1 Part: Medi One Feed Program

2 Part: Dual Fuel Feed Program

Download the Dual Fuel Feed Program

3 Part: GP3 Feed Program

4 Part: Hydro Fuel Feed Program

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The Easiest Switch You’ll Ever Make

GP3 3-Part Nutrient System

You may be wondering, “What makes GP3 better than the 3-part I’m currently using?

Let us answer that for you: It’s just better.

  • Better sourced ingredients.
  • Better formulations.
  • Better value.
  • Better results guaranteed.




Guaranteed Analysis




Guaranteed Analysis




Guaranteed Analysis

GP3 is one of the newest additions to GreenPlanet Nutrients’ line of exceptional plant fertilizers.  This unrivaled 3-part nutrient system consists of a combination of all primary, secondary and micronutrients in three separate formulas: Grow, Micro, and Bloom.

GP3 contains no dyes or synthetic colours.

All colours in GP3 are naturally occurring in the ingredients and are light, heat and acid stable.  What you see is what you’re getting!  Green Planet Nutrients guarantees no added artificial colours or dyes.  Besides, what would your plants do with added colours or dyes?  Nothing, so why include it?

More flexible than your conventional 2-part fertilizer.

GP3 provides more flexibility than a conventional 2-part nutrient system in that it allows the grower to have more control over the levels of nutrient their plants receive.  No fumbling, no confusion, it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Seamlessly integrates into any feeding schedule.

Only want micro?  Just buy Micro.  Want to switch out your 3-part for something better?  Then pick up the whole line of GP3.  GP3 is designed to be seamlessly integrated into any feeding schedule and can replace any current 3-part system currently on the market.  It really is that simple.

Purest ingredients of the highest quality source.

The formulation of GP3 is derived from the purest ingredients of the highest quality source and contain zero carbonates, unlike a number of similar products on the market.  Carbonates are essentially useless as nutrients; they’re not immediately available to your plants as they are not water soluble.  Carbonates lockout nutrients – micronutrients in particular – and keep pH levels high.

All nutrients are water soluble.

All nutrients included in GP3 are water-soluble and are immediately available to your plants, so there is no need to worry about nutrient deficiencies and what we say on the bottle actually being in there.  What does water soluble mean?  As GP3 contains no carbonates, all nutrients are easily soaked up by your plants’ roots when they uptake water, so they don’t need to work hard to get the nutrients they need resulting in saved energy towards better growth and bigger blooms.

Super-clean product

GP3 is a super clean product: each formula goes through a rigorous filtration process during production to leave absolutely no sediment or residue in your reservoir.  GP3 also carries a low salt index, which means there is no heavy salt residue.

100% chelated micronutrients & a low salt index.

All micronutrients are 100% chelated, so you can be sure your plants will get the micronutrients they need to thrive.  A chelate is a large molecule that forms a protector or a “claw” around a charged ion to prevent it from reacting with other oppositely-charged ions.  When mixed with water, metals–like iron or copper–react with the negative charge of oxygen, creating an oxide, such as iron oxide (rust), or that blue-green stuff you see on old pennies (copper oxide).  When this happens it renders the nutrient useless to your plant, which is no good; including chelators prevents this and allows easy and efficient uptake of micronutrients.  As Iron is so important to chlorophyll production, GP3 ensures that there are three unique sources of iron included in the formula for a broad range of pH ranges.

GP3 is an exceptional nutrient system that is formulated to grow plants bigger and better than ever before.  If you want the best possible growth in your garden, grow with GP3.  It really is the easiest switch you’ll ever make, guaranteed.

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How to Grow a Consistent Crop

Growing crops that are abundant one year, but waning the next – does not a happy farmer make. Consistent crops that flourish year after year is what hobby farmers and large-scale producers alike are looking for.

As such, there are a few things to consider to ensure your growth is optimal each and every year.

Choosing Your Plants Wisely

If you are a hobby farmer and are looking to grow a garden to produce your own – well, produce, you will want to pick young plants that are bushy and have not flowered yet. This allows the plant to acclimate in your garden environment and growing conditions, with little to no shock in the replanting process.

Replanting plants that are already flowering – means they are also potentially seeding, and puts too much stress on a plant already accustom to its environment. So choose bushy but non-flowered plants that will adjust well, to ensure your garden grows as expected

Water. Feed. Repeat.

Just as humans will become dehydrated without water, or hungry without food …so too do plants become under such conditions.

Annuals, in particular, have short roots, so if the surface of the soil is dry, or if all the nutrients have been sucked from that soil, you are going to want to water and feed your plants sufficiently. Feeding your plants every 3-6 weeks with a water soluble fertilizer, will ensure they stay healthy and robust for the season in which they are intended to grow.

Groom for Better Growth

Getting rid of dead growth will allow your plants to flourish, and it will also prevent seed pods from forming. If your flowers have began to lay dormant during the time they should still be blooming, it is likely they need some maintenance and grooming.

As a way to safeguard against unhealthy plant growth, we offer a product called Bud Booster – providing optimal growth for your flowering plants. This bloom additive offers a high level of phosphorus, helping to promote blooming, and assists in the plant’s metabolism during the middle of the flowering stage. The potassium also helps improve the quality of your flowers/fruit and helps with the plant’s starch production.






Total Nitrogen (N)…………………………1.0%

1.0% Water Soluble Nitrogen

Available Phosphate (P2O5)…………50.0%

Soluble Potash (K2O)………………….30.0%

Boron (B)…………………………………..0.08%

Derived from: Monopotassium Phosphate,

Dipotassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate,

Boric Acid.


1.0% Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride)

Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at


At Green Planet, we provide natural products to enhance natural growth. Call us with any questions you might have, and allow us to help you yield the best crop possible; season after season, year after year!

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